Spring into Summer Read-a-Thon: Stuff to know

(All times are in MST. Click here to see what that means for you.)

The read-a-thon starts TOMORROW at 8:00am MST! Are you ready? YOUR job is easy. You just need to read, read, read! But I thought y'all might appreciate some information on the bloggy-side of the read-a-thon.

Every two hours between 8:00am and 8:00pm on both days there will be an update & mini-challenge with an opportunity to win a book! If you participate in the update AND mini-challenge, then you will be entered to win a book! A Mr. Linky will be provided at the bottom of each update for you to link to your post, which is how you will enter. At 8:00pm each day there will be a "Report" post, where you report your progress, and where you will answer some questions.

Not all of the prizes will require you to be a blogger, but many will. If it is required for you to do a blog-post, you must include a read-a-thon update with your mini-challenge or it WILL NOT COUNT.

Also, ALL of the giveaways will be open to US ONLY except for one which will be posted at 12:00pm on 6/18 which will be for INTERNATIONAL participants ONLY. Y'all can thank Ashley for this. She's the awesomest. You must be 13 or older to participate in the giveaways, but not to participate in the read-a-thon.

Each giveaway will only be open for the 2 hours before the next update.


In order to win this prize, you must participate in AT LEAST ONE update every day (that you read), and your update must include the following information:
  • Total Books Read
  • Total Pages Read
  • Books Read Since Last Update
  • Pages Read Since Last Update
  • Total Time Read
You must also participate in the Report posts. If you are a blogger, you should post these reports on your blog. If you are not a blogger, then you may post it in the comments of the Reports post on here at 8:00pm on each day. This isn't a very big prize, so don't stress about winning it. Reading for the sake of reading should be your motivation.

Questions, comments, concerns? Please feel free to ask in the comments. If you want me to e-mail you an answer, be sure to leave your e-mail. Otherwise, be sure to check back! I'll answer all the questions ASAP.

See you tomorrow!

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. Sounds great. Can't wait to start reading the books I've choosen.

  2. I'm on the East Coast. I clicked on your link for Mountain time, but that page gives two different times. Which one is yours? I don't want to screw up the times tomorrow. :)

  3. It only has one time when I look. The "6:00" is not a time. The current MST time is the one that is changing. Generally, East Coast is 2 hours ahead of MST. But not always.

  4. Oh, I know the 6:00 is not the time. The first yellow box is Mountain time and if you scroll down, there's another yellow box that says Mountain Standard time. So I'm not sure which one you're on.

  5. I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to particpate after all (there are some family events going on this weekend) but I will try! (I'm also sharing a computer with 5 other people, so my updates may be spare.)

  6. I'm excited! One question: is it ok to use one post for all updates and just keep updating it throughout the event? I really hate posting individually for events like this, as it clogs up people's feed readers and inboxes and they get annoyed with me. In the past, I've used one post that contains a list of reading updates and a spot for any minichallenges I've done. Will that count?

  7. Sounds good to me! I know some people get irked about the feed reader clutter. I do sometimes.

    aLmYbNeNr, the first one is the current time. :) I hadn't noticed the second one.

  8. Hey, so I see we have to report our progress at 8PM, but is it ok for us to report a little later? I'm not going to be at home so I'll be using someone else's computer, so I don't know if I can post right at 8.

  9. Yup. 8pm is just when I'll be posting what you need to do to report. And the window for the report is the 12 hours before the next day begins, which should give everyone plenty of time.

  10. Thank you SO much for this opportunity! I may not be able to update a lot, or participate in the mini-challenges (I'm working tomorrow, during the day!) - but I will surely read, read, read! :D And it'll be fun to do it with lots of other people...really looking forward to it! :D

    Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com

  11. Hi, I'm so looking forward to this. I'm still working on my read pile and hubby is claiming this weekend is Father's Day weekend so we shall see how much he distracts me and the girls. We've already claimed Monday as our make up day if he is overly demanding:) Shari

  12. Grr, I'm not sure how much I'll be able to participate as I'm going to Supernova tomorrow in Sydney (which is kinda an Australian version of Comic-Con) but I'll do the best I can. I totally forgot the dates when I signed up, but I'm a fast reader by nature, so I'm sure I'll be good.

  13. It's currently 8:05 EST and although the contest doesn't begin until 10:00 my time, I'm starting to feel antsy. Also, kinda silly for waking up at 7 something when I could have slept in a little more. Oh well. :-)I'm guessing we are supposed to wait until 8:00 MST to start reading.

  14. I'm going to give this a try, though it's a crazy weekend. I'm training for the Rocky Mountain Avon Walk next weekend and I have a fundraising event this evening and a training walk this morning. And tomorrow I'm working a poker stop at the LOH Father's Day Poker run, but I'm great a multi-tasking so I'll see what I can do.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Would audio books count at all? I'm just finding out about this :o)
    imabookshark AT yahoo DOT com

    Mickey @ imabookshark

  17. Yes! So excited to finally start. This is awesome!

  18. I want to be entered in the "reads the most" contest, but that says I have to participate in at least one update per day. I'm an int'l reader though, and I was asleep during all the updates!

  19. Hikaback,

    You don't have to enter to WIN an update, you just have to participate in an update sometime before your Report goes up. So you don't have to do it within the 2-hour time period. That's only if you want to win, and since you're international you can't win anyway until noon today.

    Make sense?


Thank you so much for commenting! I read each and every one.

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