The Drake Chronicles-- Alyxandra Harvey

Release Date: 2009-2010
Genre:  Romance, Vampires, Paranormal
Publisher: Bloomsbury/Walker
Pages: 256, 308, 254
Average Rating:
Amazon Link*: Book 1, Book 2, Book 3 (Book 1 currently on sale for $4!)
Goodreads Page: Book 1, Book 2, Book 3
The Drakes are an ancient and powerful vampire family, which isn't as fun as it may sound. In this family, vampire children are born rather than created. Throughout this series we follow the lives of all eight of the Drake children, their warrior parents, and a hilarious cast of crazy aunts and uncles and cousins. In the span of a few weeks an ancient prophecy is fulfilled, a great evil is stirred up, and a conspiracy revealed. And kissing. LOTS of kissing.
Blurb: You don't have to love vampires to love this series, you just have to love having a good time.

Review: I read these books back to back to back, so I figured I might as well review them all in one fell swoop!

I decided to read this series after I finished The Demon King, because I needed to read a book in which I had absolutely NO expectations. I knew these books would be total fluff, and very cheesy. I was right, and completely satisfied!

These are the perfect beach-reads. You can find a comfy spot and be prepared to laugh, snort, gasp, and so much more.

Some of you may think that by reading these books I have lifted my ban on paranormal romance. Not so! Those of you who really understood the two rants leading to the ban know that I don't have anything against paranormal romance, I just have something against books that say they are pure paranormal, and turn into nothing but romance.

This series didn't pretend to be anything it wasn't. You knew it was going to be almost 100% romance, and it was. The romance was pleasantly laughable and charming. I did chuckle quite a few times. Especially in the second book.

Each book is told through the eyes of one of the Drake siblings, and [usually] their love interest. This gave each book a fresh voice. Even though the books follow essentially the same model, by having new narrators every time the books avoid becoming predictable and corny.

All in all I was very pleased with this series, and it was exactly what I needed to remember why I love reading.

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011

*I am an amazon affiliate. If you purchase this book using my link, I will get a tiny fraction of the purchase, which goes toward contests.


  1. Phew! I'm so glad you liked this series! Just like you, I'm a bit skeptical about PNR lately and I didn't know what to expect of this one. And it sounds like a great summer read for me!

    Thanks for the review, I'm adding the series to my TBR this summer list!;)


  2. I've never read these. But now I will, thanks to your review.

  3. Glad you enjoyed these, they do sound like a lot of fun! After Haunting Violet, I can't wait to get a chance to read these.


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