Have ya ever just been busy?

Oi! I have no time for posting, reading, or other fun activities! The only really fun fun I've had in the last week was when I went to a party last night dressed as Sarah Palin. (Tee hee. I really am clueless when it comes to politics, but Tina Fey inspired me)

I've been reading the same book for a long time and I'm not even 200 pages in.
I got straight As (And have had no life because of it)
I've got a coworker who's been causing me some trouble, but I think it's better now.
I've had to cancel the play I was going to direct this spring because another theatre is doing it at the same time.

And that's just a few of the things going on.

Oh, and 30 Rock starts tonight, I'm SO FREAKING EXCITED.

Anyway, I'm not dead, just busy.

~Enna Isilee

An Interesting Experiment. A Meme Headcount.

So you remember that "Be Heard!" meme I posted a while ago? Well, it was kind of an experiment. I made it up, and I wanted to see how it would spread throughout the blogging world. I tried to make a map of how it spread, but it got a little bit too complicated.

I posted first, then Q got Danielle, Leigha, and Merrisa to do it. Merrisa got Froggy to do it, Danielle got Summermoon and hwalk to do it. Summermoon got Anilee and Taiger to do it.

And it just goes on and on.

I was really interested to see how many people said things like "Everyone has already been tagged for this, so I'm not going to tag anyone." But truthfull, not everyone had been tagged.

Which has prompted me to say this:

If you like doing meme's, and would like to be tagged occasionally, please comment. If you do not comment, I will cease tagging you for memes. And if ever I do tag one of you that does comment, I will be sure to leave a comment on your blog so that you will be aware.

I LOVE doing memes. I think they're some of the greatest fun EVER. However, I often don't see that I've been tagged (Since I check my blogroll once a week, if I'm lucky). So if you tag me please let me know.

All right. That's all I have to say for now.

~Enna Isilee

Order! Order! I will have order!

Heh. I really think this blog post title is clever because it has a double meaning.
Meaning #1:
About 7 months ago I posted this:

Gasp! Enna Isilee! What kind of book lover are you?! To let your books fall into such disarray is shameful!
I know, I know. Which is why a month later I posted this:
Tum ta tum! Much better. I also posted a picture of the sad little I mean... cute and cozy bookshelf that I own:
This picture actually makes it look bigger than it truly is.

But now, over six months after that, I am now proud to present to you for your veiwing pleasure and enjoyment...

*Twentieth Century Fox Theme* My New BOOKSHELVES!

Aren't they gorgeous?! I got them at IKEA for only $101.44! I'm so excited. You can tell by how I'm breathing in the video. Plus, you can see that I gave Shannon her own section (even though that means her books aren't exactly in alphebetcial order).

I'm a bit nervous though, because they're already almost full!

Meaning #2

I recently ordered (and will soon order more) books! Coming soon in the Enna Isilee reading list is:

Everlost by Neal Schusterman

Cybele's Secret by Juliette Marillier

Inkdeath by Cornelia Funke

What's Math Got To Do With It? A surprisingly facinating non-fiction book by Jo Boaler

WOO HOO! I'm excited! I'm having a hard time deciding if I should read Everlost or Cybele's Secret first. I think I'll read Cybele's Secret.

~Enna Isilee

Be Heard! A meme

Here’s a meme where your opinion gets to be heard! Here are the rules:

1. Copy and paste the blank form into your blog twice, only fill in one.
2. Fill in the blanks with whatever you think is the appropriate answer, bold your answer if you wish. And they don't exactly have to make sense.
3. Add one more item to the meme
4. Tag 4 people and comment on their blogs

I think it should be mandatory for each household to have ________

I think the President should name August 22nd _________ day.

I think stop signs should be a different color, I think they should be ________

I think that _______ is/are wasting America’s time, and we should replace it with _______


I think it should be mandatory for each household to have hot chocolate mix

I think the President should name August 22nd National SSR (Sit down, Shut up, and Read) day.

I think stop signs should be a different color, I think they should be florescent green.

I think that ospreys are wasting America’s time, and we should replace them with penguins.

I tag…

NerdGoddess (nerdgoddesswriter.blogspot.com)
Q (thecurlyq.blogspot.com)
Gretchen (gretch-a-sketch.blogspot.com)
Miss Erin (misserinmarie.blogspot.com)

The City of Ember-- Jeanne DuPrau

An entire civilization was moved underground to ensure the survival of the human race. Their supplies are dwindling, the lights are flickering, and there doesn't seem to be anyway to escape.

Really liked this book. Read it in 2.5 hours. Some aspects reminded me a lot of Ayn Rand's Anthem. I thought that the author could have made it a little longer. Some of it was rushed, and the story, though wonderful, could have been more developed.

I'm very tentative to see the movie. I've already seen some errors in just the trailer. Eeps!

~Enna Isilee

An Ideal Life

The ideal meme, tagged by Taiger

Rules: if you're tagged, make sure to add one more ideal "thing" to the list, besides the items that are already there. Be as descriptive and random and silly as you want.

My ideal...

Snack: Dill pickles, cold string cheese, and cold, crisp apples.

Day: Acting a bit, playing a bit, reading a bit, relaxing a bit, hanging with friends.

Book: One with my name underneath the title (Yeah, at the rate I'm going that's never going to happen.).

Friend: Funny, witty, patient, kind.

Weather: Torrential summer rain!

Adventure: Hm... I'm really not much of an adventure person. I'd much rather just write about it, while in a five star hotel. Heh. Or just my bed. I've never been outdoorsy, I do like to travel though.

Music: Depends on what mood I'm in. Sometimes I want meaningful lyrics, sometimes I want a beautiful melody, and sometimes I just want something to listen to.

Birthday: Oh, maybe going to see Shannon with a few friends, then going to a bookstore, then going out to eat with aforementioned friends. (Hey, this sounds like my last birthday! ;) )

I tag... Gosh, who hasn't done this before? Um... NerdGoddess?

~Enna Isilee

Happy October!

Thanks for all your comments in the last post, gals (and guys?).

Just wanted to say happy October! (Crazy! It's already October!)

~Enna Isilee
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