An Ideal Life

The ideal meme, tagged by Taiger

Rules: if you're tagged, make sure to add one more ideal "thing" to the list, besides the items that are already there. Be as descriptive and random and silly as you want.

My ideal...

Snack: Dill pickles, cold string cheese, and cold, crisp apples.

Day: Acting a bit, playing a bit, reading a bit, relaxing a bit, hanging with friends.

Book: One with my name underneath the title (Yeah, at the rate I'm going that's never going to happen.).

Friend: Funny, witty, patient, kind.

Weather: Torrential summer rain!

Adventure: Hm... I'm really not much of an adventure person. I'd much rather just write about it, while in a five star hotel. Heh. Or just my bed. I've never been outdoorsy, I do like to travel though.

Music: Depends on what mood I'm in. Sometimes I want meaningful lyrics, sometimes I want a beautiful melody, and sometimes I just want something to listen to.

Birthday: Oh, maybe going to see Shannon with a few friends, then going to a bookstore, then going out to eat with aforementioned friends. (Hey, this sounds like my last birthday! ;) )

I tag... Gosh, who hasn't done this before? Um... NerdGoddess?

~Enna Isilee


  1. That's totally my ideal day, too.

    And the ideal birthday doesn't sound too bad either. ;)

  2. I'm glad you tagged me. I can't think of anything to post about anyhow. ;)


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