In My Mailbox: Generosity of Others

Bought used from Hastings:
Traded with Princess Bookie:
Gifted from author:
Borrowed from the AWESOME Emily of Emily's Reading Room:

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. Dude! So envious of your copy of Enthralled!! I am dying to read that one!

    My IMM goes up tomorrow! So be sure to stop by!

    Old Follower
    Jessica@a GREAT read

  2. Awesome books this week! I'm super jealous of Enthralled - and I don't even like anthologies all that much. Hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's what I got in my mailbox this week :)

  3. Ooooh, enoy!! So many pretties, can't wait to see what you think. :)

  4. Awesome books you got this week. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer looks so good. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  5. Eon is awesome. Eona even more so. I can't stress how unbelievably good the two books are. I liked A Great and Terrible Beauty too. But yeah, Eon definitely.

  6. You got some great stuff, like everyone I'm really looking forward to The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. Can't wait to see your thoughts on all the books you got.

  7. Awww! Book lovers are awesome people - truly!
    Enjoy all your books :) Happy reading!

  8. What a great mailbox! LOOK at all of that library loot! When I go to the library, I can only get about three books tops, because otherwise, I keep them until they're all read, and I have to pay late fines! LOL! I want to get the Yancey books for my Bebe Boy James, and I have A great and Terrible Beauty in my person TBR shelves. Enjoy all of the great reads!

  9. OH WOW. soooo mmannnnyyyy booookkkssss. Looks like you got some good ones this week C:

  10. I was reading EON a while ago but I had to put it down since I needed to focus on my review pile (I'm so close to destroying it!). But from the 50 or so pages I remember reading, I could tell it was an awesome book :) AND MARA DYER!!! THAT book is so well-written I can't even. I was in awe while I was reading that one.

    Enjoy all of those books! You have an excellent range of selection there ;)

  11. I loved your IMM! and the song was great! You got a lot of good books! Happy reading!!!!!


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