Halloween Prize Pack Giveaway!

Hello Squeakers! Who's ready for another giveaway?

I'm a firm believer that EVERY holiday should be an excuse to read! Halloween is certainly no exception.

This Halloween I have THREE curiously creepy, deliciously disturbing, and heartwarmingly horrifying books for ONE lucky winner! Because of the nature of these books, this contest IS going to be a little more strict than my others. Read on to find our more.

Here's what you can win, click the titles to see my reviews:

Title: Lockdown (Escape from Furnace #1)
Author: Alexander Gordon Smith
Format: Paperback
Furnace Penitentiary: the world’s most secure prison for young offenders, buried a mile beneath the earth’s surface. Convicted of a murder he didn’t commit, sentenced to life without parole,  Alex Sawyer knows he has two choices: find a way out, or resign himself to a death behind bars, in the darkness at the bottom of the world. Except in Furnace, death is the least of his worries. Soon Alex discovers that the prison is a place of pure evil, where inhuman creatures in gas masks stalk the corridors at night, where giants in black suits drag screaming inmates into the shadows, where deformed beasts can be heard howling from the blood-drenched tunnels below. Alex plans an escape, but will it come soon enough?

Title: Lips Touch Three Times
Author: Laini Taylor
Format: Hardback
Three tales of supernatural love, each pivoting on a kiss that is no mere kiss, but an action with profound consequences for the kissers' souls:
Goblin Fruit: In Victorian times, goblin men had only to offer young girls sumptuous fruits to tempt them to sell their souls. But what does it take to tempt today's savvy girls?
Spicy Little Curses: A demon and the ambassador to Hell tussle over the soul of a beautiful English girl in India. Matters become complicated when she falls in love and decides to test her curse.
Hatchling: Six days before Esme's fourteenth birthday, her left eye turns from brown to blue. She little suspects what the change heralds, but her small safe life begins to unravel at once. What does the beautiful, fanged man want with her, and how is her fate connected to a mysterious race of demons

Title: The Devouring (The Devouring Series #1)
Author: Simon Holt
Format: Paperback
When Reggie finds an old journal and reads about the Vours, supernatural creatures who feast on fear and attack on the eve of the winter solstice, she assumes they are just the musings of some lunatic author. But soon, they become a terrifying reality when she begins to suspect that her timid younger brother might be one of their victims.
Risking her life and her sanity, Reggie enters a living nightmare to save the people she loves. Can she devour her own fears before they devour her?
Bone-chilling, terrifying, thrilling...what are you waiting for?
You can own all three of these books!

These are VERY creepy books. You guys know that I have no tolerance for swearing, but I also have a very dull inner eye. I don't visualize what I'm reading very vividly. That's why I'm able to get through books like these. There are some SERIOUSLY disturbing things in these books. If they were movies, I wouldn't watch them. They are about torturing children, death by demons/curses, and demonic possession respectively. NOT APPROPRIATE FOR ALL AGES. But they are perfect for halloween. Because of this, if you are under 18 you must have a parent's permission to enter this contest. Yes, they are YA books. No, I'm not trying to censor you. These books are probably fine for ages 15/16+. I'm being overly-cautious, but that's better than under-cautious, right?

Have I scared you away yet? No? Oh good.

  1. In the comments tell me the BEST halloween costume you've ever seen/worn (please stay appropriate for all audiences!)
  2. Fill out THE FORM.
  • Open to US residents only.
  • If you are under 18 years old you must provide a parental e-mail ( I don't want your parents to hate me for tarnishing your innocent minds *wink*)
  • Contest begins 10/8
  • Contest ends 10/20 at 11:59 pm
  • Winner announced 10/21

Happy haunting!


  1. Last year I dressed up as a Hufflepuff student! :)

  2. A girl at my school dressed as Kali one year. She painted herself blue and fashioned extra arms to her torso. It was pretty impressive.

    My costumes all tend to be pretty average but I like to make them more fun by doing crazy hair and makeup

  3. I loved Brad Pitt's Yo Gabba Gabba DJ Lance costume....obviously I have a small child at home

  4. My favorite Halloween costume ever was a Marilyn Monroe one. I bought a really nice wig, a slinky black cocktail dress (lots of cleavage), fake pearls, red high heels, elbow-length black gloves, and one of those cigarette holder things. I went to several parties and everyone knew that I was Marilyn and it was a great night. I spent a fortune, but it was worth it.

  5. One time, I saw a person dressed as a zombie...it looked so real that i thought the zombie apocalypse was among us...

  6. I think my favorite costum I have worn was one my mom made for use kids when we were little all 6 of us were M&M's it was adorable! :)

  7. When I was little I was obsessed with The American Girl books. For Halloween one year I decked myself out as Felicity in her blue Christmas ball gown. I loved it. It was very authentic (hand made - not a cheapy plastic dress) along with petticoats, wig/accessories and such. If I could still fit in that ten-year-old self dress I would wear it again. It was fabulous!

  8. One year I dressed up as Elvira mistress of the dark.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  9. My best costume was the year I went as Ariel (as a mermaid) from The Little Mermaid.
    But I saw the cutest one last year it was some little kid dressed up as a plate of spaghetti.

  10. The best costume Ive seen is a girl in my school went like Naruto´s Sasuke with no aparent reason... she looked sooo Sasuke xD

  11. In high school I dressed up as a One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater.

  12. I think my favorite was going as Hermione Granger.

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  13. Sounds great. I think the best Ive ever seen was a full Wizard of Oz group. They seriously could have been the movie costumes.

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  14. A few years ago a friend dressed up as Michael Jackson thriller style, it was so amazing and well done!

  15. Hmm...though I LOVE Halloween, by costumes don't always end up on the most fab list. Let's see, my best one would have to be a Snow White costume I picked up one year for our trip to Disney and Mickey's Haunted Halloween celebration. Getting off the Disney bus transportation at the park, a little girl thought I was actually Snow White (hair is kinda similar and yeah, equally pale)! She ran over all in awe and gave me a hug...the whole time her mother is trying to catch up to her mouthing "I'm so sorry...but she thinks your..."...what could I do? Disney owes me props for making the little girls night. ^_^ (jk on the props part...true story though!)

    Thanks for the chance! Happy reading....

  16. The Lockdown sounds really interesting. Never heard of it before!

    I saw a Goth Fairy last year that really impressed me. She was just amazing.

  17. I have a large button that said "This is my costume" that I wore last year, and still got candy!!!!

  18. The best Halloween costume for me was two years ago when I went as Little Red Riding Hood: Wolf Hunter then my two best friends went as Snow White: Poisionous Kisser and Mulan: Zombie slayer! It was the greatest!

  19. honestly only good costume id say ihad was when i dressed up as a undead stripper which sinc ei nevernormally dress half nakied it was apretty lil get up didntd o the war paintbecause that would go against everthing but did strangulation marks and madeit look like some of my intestiens were hangin out was gory yet hot allat the same tim

  20. I don't really see a lot of costumes where I'm at. It's sad that people don't dress up. My favorites are little kid costumes. I saw the most adorable chicken one year!

  21. I usually didn't have out there costumes for Halloween but when I was little I was Jane from Tarzan. The yellow dress was very pretty because it was one of those expensive Disney costumes from when you are actually at Disneyland.

  22. The best I have ever seen, was one I made for my son. He wanted to be a knight, so I made him chain mail, by sewing rings on his costume. It looked so real, we had people stopping us to talk about the costume.

  23. My sister is a great seamstress, and she made this super awesome Bowser costume for my nephew, and she made a Mario suit for his younger brother. Basically the cutest thing I've ever seen!

  24. I was a dead popstar when I was younger

  25. The best costume I wore was Raphael from TMNT.

  26. The best costume I have ever seen was at a party a few years back... a headless woman, holding her "head" in her hands, and a very high neck victorian dress concealing her real head with buttonholes she could see thru... it was actually a homemade costume from what I could tell and very realistic looking. Another time, I saw a pretty awesome zombie costume...

  27. My favorite costume was last years, when my husband and I dressed up as Sally & Jack Skellington. :)

  28. I think the best costume I've seen so far, or the coolest, was a group of people all dressed as vampires! The went all-out, with totally pale skin, beautiful but dark dresses, the men wearing tuxedos...it was really awesome to see :)

  29. I can't really think of any costumes I've seen at the moment, but I think the best Halloween costume I've ever worn would be my Cat in the Hat costume! I've always loved Dr. Seuss!

  30. my favorite I ever wore was Wayne from Wayne's World lol, so fun.
    The best I've ever seen was a girl that was Leeloo Dallas from the Fifth Element. LOVE that movie, and it was the coolest costume! :)

  31. Im not a big dress up person I don't remember dressing up much I only did a few times and I was a cat. I have seen some cute kids dressed up my favorite was sleeping beauty!

  32. I was never good at dressing up, but when I was in second grade (and this will date me!) Ghostbusters was really popular, so I dressed up as the Stay-Puffed Marshmallow Man. It was a huge hit!

  33. One year I dressed up as Ruby Moon from Cardcaptor Sakura for Haloween, while I worked at the grocery store. I had an awesome 4 foot wingspan and everything.

  34. Someone dressed as a Viking Ship, complete with wee vikings rowing, VERY cool. :)

  35. I was totally characters from The American Girl series when I was younger. My mom made my costumes & they were AWESOME! ; ) Also I was the Cat in the Hat one year while my friends were Thing 1 & Thing 2. Silly, but worth it. : )
    ambience.of.rain {at} gmail.com
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  36. A friend of mine was a picnic one year...with a tablecloth draped over her and the picnic items attached to it.

    meredithfl at gmail dot com

  37. My favorite costume ever:
    I was a heavily pregnant pillsbury doughboy. It was just perfect with the belly.



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