I am a patriot

I will not forget.
A silent classroom.
Where were you?


  1. Thank you for this post. I was in a silent classroom as well.

  2. I was at the doctors office with Steph infection.

  3. I was at home, with my 18 month old little girl - I was on the phone trying to call my parents and sister...I was crying, and not allowing Aubrey to go out to play...it was the worst day...I will never forget.

  4. I was in my college apartment, getting ready for school. My mom called and told me what happened. I watched the other plane hit the tower. So sad. No one went to class that day.

  5. I was at work...no TV....we really didn't know what was happening.

  6. In the backyard watching my 18 month old jump on the trampoline.

  7. I was working on the telemetry floor of the Hospital (as a CNA). When I heard people talking at the nurses station about it between my rounds I went to check it out in the break room. I sat horrified in front of the TV for my break as they replayed the first and watched as the second plane hit the second tower.

  8. I was on my first day at a new job at a college in Memphis. We watched the TV all morning. I'd never even heard of Osama Bin Laden.

  9. Blow drying my hair for work--the radio announced a plane had hit the World Trade Center and I assumed it was a small light plane... truthfully, I assumed it was probably a joke or a miscommunication. Turned on the TV and watched in horror as the second plane hit. I still recall seeing the buildings fall into the street and people screaming and running through Manhattan like it was the end of the world. In a way, it was.

  10. At home, after Mass, turned on to see news with my Mom and saw the second tower get hit. A day I can never forget.

  11. I was in the teacher's lounge -- no one was there. TV was on, I noticed one WTC bldg. on fire, went to tell the history teacher, we both went back to the lounge and that's when the second strike happened.


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