Don't panic! It's not over yet!

Can you believe that this is the last full day of the birthday bash? *sniff* We have to wait a whole year until the next one. Sad day! The bash ended up with 15 giveaways! Crazy! Below I've included links to all of the contests and reminders of what's required to enter. All contests end tonight at 11:59pm MST. But wait! You have a chance to earn more entries! Scroll down to figure out how.

Win a signed, hardcover copy of Paranormalcy By Kiersten White!
REQUIREMENTS: Follow Squeaky Books, Resident of the US or Canada

Win Tell Me a Secret by Holly Cupala!
REQUIREMENT: Resident of the US or Canada

Win one of the GORGEOUS UK Versions of Shannon Hale's Books
REQUIREMENT: Resident of the US or Canada

Win an ARC of Pegasus by Robin McKinley!
REQUIREMENT: Resident of the US

Win swag and an ARC of Dust City by Robert Paul Weston!
REQUIREMENT: Resident of the US or Canada
Win swag and a signed copy of Spy Glass by Maria V Snyder!
REQUIREMENT: Resident of the US

Win swag and a pre-order of Nightshade by Andrea Cremer!
REQUIREMENT: Resident of the US or Canada

Win one of three sets of punctuation earrings!
REQUIREMENT: Resident of the US

Win a signed copy of Ice by Sarah Beth Durst and some Enchanted Ivy swag.
REQUIREMENT: Resident of the US or Canada

Win a pre-order of Matched by Ally Condie
REQUIREMENTS: Follow Pirate Penguin Reads & Squeaky Books. Resident of US or Cananda

Win a UK edition of The Dark Divine by Bree Despain
REQUIREMENT: Resident of the US or Canada
Win I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore
REQUIREMENT: Resident of the US or Canada

Win swag and a copy of It's a Mall World After All, by Janette Rallison
REQUIREMENT: Resident of the US or Canada
Win two different Janette Rallison Books
REQUIREMENT: Resident of the US

Win a pre-read SIGNED ARC of Princess of Glass by Jessica Day George
REQUIREMENT: Resident of the US or Canada


I'm offering y'all a chance to win five (5) bonus entries to two contests of your choice(excluding bonus contests). For a total of 10 bonus entries! All you have to do is copy the post I have written for you (in the box below) and post it on your blog today! This offer ends at 10:59 MST tonight. So you'd better hurry! After you post, please fill out THIS FORM.

CLICK HERE to see what it should look like
(don't worry if it isn't exactly the same, and feel free to change the wording a little!)
You may title it whatever you like.

<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
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Have you been following Enna Isilee's birthday bash? No?! Well allow me to inform you:

Enna Isilee is the operator of the YA book-blog <a href="">Squeaky Books</a>, and from August 23rd-September 22nd she's been celebrating her birthday in style with author interviews, guest posts, and giveaways featuring some of the hotest YA titles. It's been a blast so far! <a href=""><strong>CLICK HERE FOR A COMPLETE SUMMARY OF EVENTS</strong></a>

The bad news? <strong>IT ALL ENDS TONIGHT!</strong>

That's right, all FIFTEEN (15) giveaways end at 11:59 pm MST tonight! But don't worry! You still have time to enter! Below I've listed all of the possible things you can win. The winners will be announced tomorrow (September 22nd) on Squeaky Books.

If you live in the US you are qualified to enter every giveaway! Most giveaways are open to Canadian residents as well. Sorry international friends, no contests are open to you. But if you have a friend in the US or Canada that will mail to you then you are welcome to enter!

So? Have you entered yet? NO?! What are you waiting for? Check out the links below and enter to win some wicked sweet prizes!!
<li><div style="text-align: left;">
<a href=""><em>Paranormalcy</em> By Kiersten White!</a> </div>
<li><div style="text-align: left;">
<a href=""><em>Tell Me a Secret </em>by Holly Cupala!</a></div>
<li><div style="text-align: left;">
<a href="">One of the GORGEOUS UK Versions of Shannon Hale's Books</a></div>
<li><div style="text-align: left;">
<a href="">ARC of <em>Pegasus</em> by Robin McKinley!</a></div>
<li><div style="text-align: left;">
<a href="">Swag and an ARC of <em>Dust City</em> by Robert Paul Weston!</a></div>
<li><div style="text-align: left;">
<a href="">Swag and a signed copy of <em>Spy Glass</em> by Maria V Snyder!</a></div>
<li><div style="text-align: left;">
<a href="">Swag and a pre-order of Nightshade by Andrea Cremer!</a></div>
<li><div style="text-align: left;">
<a href="">Win one of three sets of punctuation earrings!</a></div>
<li><div style="text-align: left;">
<a href="">A signed copy of <em>Ice </em>by Sarah Beth Durst and some <em>Enchanted Ivy</em> swag.</a></div>
<li><div style="text-align: left;">
<a href="">Pre-order of <em>Matched</em> by Ally Condie</a></div>
<li><div style="text-align: left;">
<a href="">UK edition of <em>The Dark Divine</em> by Bree Despain</a></div>
<li><div style="text-align: left;">
<a href="">Win <em>I Am Number Four</em> by Pittacus Lore</a></div>
<li><div style="text-align: left;">
<a href="">Swag and a copy of <em>It's a Mall World After All, </em>by Janette Rallison</a></div>
<li><div style="text-align: left;">
<a href="">Two different Janette Rallison Books</a></div>
<li><div style="text-align: left;">
<a href="">Pre-read SIGNED ARC of <em>Princess of Glass </em>by Jessica Day George</a></div>

Thank you for making the bash so wonderful!


  1. Awws, I cannot enter, but yay Good luck everybody! XD

  2. Good grief. How do you keep track of all of these giveaways? I didn't realize there had been so many!
    Hope you had a great birthday month!


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