Birthday Bash Winners! (Text version)

All right, here's the text version of the winners for those of you who didn't want to watch my super-cool vlog.

Guess what. It took me TWO HOURS to pick all of the winners. 18 winners, and a WHOLE LOT of bonus entries. Oi.

Look at that massive pile of books! That has been sitting on my dresser ALL MONTH LONG just taunting me! I want to read so many of these! Hopefully I will have my OWN copy on on my personal shelf soon, but in the meantime, THESE copies are going to YOUR personal shelves.

The winners are listed in reverse order of when the contests were posted, but first...

My blogfest winner never responded to my e-mail, so I'm picking a new winner!

Winner of Freshman For President is:

Jenn S.

Now for the Birthday Bash Winners!!!!

I have e-mailed all the winners at this point, if you were still curious. You have 48 hours to respond. I do have alternate winners picked in case the first people don't respond.

Winner of the pre-read signed ARC of Princess of Glass by Jessica Day George


Winner of Fame, Glory, and Other Things on my To Do List by Janette Rallison
(Not pictured, to be mailed by Janette)


Winner of How To Take the Ex Out of Ex-Boyfriend by Janette Rallison
(Copy pictured is not the copy you will win, to be mailed by Janette)


Winner of I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore


Winner of It's a Mall World After All by Janette Rallison

Bookish in a Box

Winner of the UK Version of The Dark Divine by Bree Despain
(Book pictured is not the book you will win, you will win a paperback UK edition to be mailed by Bree)

Kailia Sage
(Cool name, by the way!)

Winner of the pre-order of Matched by Ally Condie
(ARC pictured is not the book you will win, you will be mailed a finished copy after the release date)


Winner of the signed copy of Ice by Sarah Beth Durst

Inspired Kathy

Winner of the Semicolon Earrings by Debbie Barr
(Not pictured, to be mailed by Debbie)


Winner of the Question Mark Earrings by Debbie Barr
(Not pictured, to be mailed by Debbie)


Winner of the Quotation Mark Earrings by Debbie Barr
(Not pictured, to mailed be by Debbie)


Winner of a pre-order of Nightshade by Andrea Cremer
(Not pictured, you will be mailed a finished copy after the release date)


Winner of a signed copy of Spy Glass by Maria V. Snyder


Winner of an ARC of Dust City by Robert Paul Weston


Winner of an ARC of Pegasus by Robin McKinley
(Not pictured, to be mailed by Resugo)


Winner of a UK Shannon Hale book
(The copy pictured is not the book you won, I will order yours and mail it to you)

Jocelyn Pearce
She won The Goose Girl!

Winner of Tell Me a Secret by Holly Cupala

Maddie McPhail

Winner of a signed copy of Paranormalcy


Thank you to everone who entered the bash! And stay tuned! I already have a TON of contests lined up for the next few months. There won't be one every other day, but there will be one AT LEAST ever other week.


Thank you so much for commenting! I read each and every one.

Please be aware that any comments under an "anonymous" user are subject to deletion, as well as cruel or unnecessarily rude comments (because sometimes it's necessary to be rude.*wink*). Comments on posts older than 2 weeks are also moderated, and may take a few days to appear.

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