Author Interview & Giveaway: Bree Despain

Today I got to interview the fantabulous Bree Despain! I read her debut The Dark Divine in June, and since then I have been a HUGE Despain fan. I won the re-create a cover contest for TDD sequel The Lost Saint and let me tell you, TLS is even BETTER than TDD!

I actually got to MEET Bree last week... sort of. We were both at the same event and I was just hovering near her like a creepy-stalker. Eventually I was able to muster up something like "Oh my gosh! You're Bree Despain! I love you!" and she was super-nice. Anyway. Enough from me, you probably want to get to the interview/giveaway, eh? Well, read on!

Bree's Website
Bree's GoodReads Page

If you could invite any person (living or dead) to your birthday, who would it be?
Audrey Hepburn. She is basically my hero. Incredibly talented, brave, chartable, and smart. And she had quite the comedic prowess. I’d love to gab with her all afternoon—and get some fashion advice.

If it were possible, would you ever consider being a werewolf?
Well, I’ve never actually said I wasn’t one already. . . Werewolves are pretty cool though, and I’d love to have that strength and agility. But I guess there are a few drawbacks to consider. For instance, the urge to kill the one who loves you most probably wouldn’t settle well with my husband.

Night owl, or morning lark?
Definitely night owl. No question about that. Mornings are the enemy. Especially the ones that start at 4:30am with one of my kids jumping on my bed.

What was your favorite childhood book?
I can’t remember what my favorite book was as a kid, but I remember my favorite book in middle school was Jackaroo by Cynthia Voigt. It is a great adventure story and I found it to be an empowering story for young girls. Definitely one of the books that inspired me to want to write my own stories.

Finally, some fun from random plot generator!

You’re writing a story about invincible ninjas that terrorize the townspeople. What’s the one thing that can defeat them?
Powdered donuts + peanut butter. Everyone knows ninjas can’t resist powdered donuts and that they are extremely allergic to peanuts. I’d have the MC set several plates of donuts with pean,ut butter centers with around the town and then go back to watching her cartoons on the couch, resting confidently that the problem has been resolved.

Of course, since that doesn’t leave a lot of conflict for a book, there would probably be a great plot twist right at the end when the lone peanut allergy resistant ninja shows up at the MC’s house.

Thanks, Bree!


Bree has most generously donated a UK edition of The Dark Divine and we're gonna give it away! Today's contest is hosted by Jeremy from Novel Thoughts blog! I love Jeremy's blog because it's always cool to get a male perspective on books. :) Check it out:


  1. Audrey Hepburn is awesome! I love her in My Fair Lady in particular :)

  2. Great interview. I love learning about the authors we read.

  3. great interview! i love audrey hepburn too and i would definitely invite her to my b-day as well! also love the bit at the end with the ninja

  4. I don't know if I could talk to her if I met her either. I would make a fool of myself. The Dark Divine is a great book and I look forward to reading next one.


  5. Love the interview! i read the Dark Divine when it first came out too and it so totally rocked! i so did not think that HE was going to be the baddie.

  6. I love this! My favorite is the plot generator. I'm glad I found you on the blogfest, because I am loving following you!
    Put it on Paper

  7. I love Audrey Hepburn! And, who knew that ninjas were allergic to peanut butter?! Awesome!

  8. I enjoyed the interview very much. I liked Audrey Hepburn too, I think my favorite movie of hers was Breakfast at Tiffany's. I've been hearing a lot about this book and I would love to read it.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  9. Audrey Hepburn is one of my favorites. I enjoyed the interview.

  10. great interview! I am also a night owl! I hate the mornings! I think if I could, I would sleep until the sun goes down hahaha. I really dislike waking up in the morning.

    Thanks for the giveaway! :0)

  11. Oh, Cynthia Voigt...How could I have survived middle school without her?? I need to go back and reread someday! Thanks for the memories.

  12. She seems really sweet! :) LOL, I loved the part about the ninjas! Too funny!

  13. Great review. I loved your questions, especially when you asked if Bree would want to become a werewolf. Quirky things like that are better than general info.



  14. I haven't read Dark Divine yet, but the authors seems cool. So maybe I'll give this book a try

  15. I loved The Dark Divine. Can't wait for the next one! Great interview, as always. :)

  16. Thanks for the interview - I like knowing something about the authors when I read their books.

  17. Awesome interview! Dark Divine was a wonderful read. Been waiting for the Lost Saint. :)


  18. Awesome interview! Ninjas are allergic to peanut butter! Wow. Sooo couldn't do that. I love peanut butter, especially peanut butter cups!!

  19. I did a short workshop with Bree Despain, and she is awesome.

  20. Why has it taken me so long to find your blog? I am now going to devour it. Yeah!

  21. Cool plot generator. :)

  22. i'm a night owl too, definitely! great interview!! thank you!

  23. Thanks for the interview and the giveaway!

    Also don't forget to check out my amazing Charloette Figg Takes Over Paradise giveaway ~ Ends 10/1 and my boogie wipes giveaway ~ Ends 9/29!

    Ashley's Bookshelf

  24. Fun interview- I knew she must be a night owl- kinda spooky:)

  25. I love Audrey Hepburn!
    I had no idea that ninjas were allergic to peanuts...

  26. Ohmygosh, I love her for loving Audrey Hepburn! <3!

    I'm definitely a night owl, too! xD

  27. I love Audry Hepburn's pics
    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  28. I love the ninja/peanut butter story! Also, Bree Despain's covers are awesome. I loved The Dark Divine's and now that the next one has come out, I'm very delighted by how they match and look spectacular!

  29. Hahaha everyone knows ninjas are allergic to peanuts lol. Great interview.

  30. Great interview. I hope you told Bree that you were the winner of that massive contest! :D Happy Birthday!


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