Squeaky Book Updates
After the birthday bash I decided to make some changes to Squeaky Books. Mostly additions, but one removal.
FINALLY! I really needed to do this. I have over 150 reviews, and you can see them all by clicking the "Book Reviews" button at the top of the blog. I have them organized two ways by author's last name, and by title. Cool huh?
2. I've created a page for author interviews
I have so many now, that I've decided to create a page for them. It makes me happy to look at them all.
3. I've created a form for guest-posters
I've LOVED having so many guest posters on Squeaky Books. So I've created a form that you can submit ANY time you want to guest post. Just click "be a guest poster" at the top of the blog, fill out the form, and you'll be a guest poster. That simple!
4. No more upcoming releases
After October and November I'm not going to have my upcoming releases page. It was too hard to keep up, and took up page space. Instead, I'm just going to let you guys know about upcoming releases periodically in posts.
Sound good? Do you like the updates? Will you ever be a guest-poster? Do you like the review organization?
1. I have organized my reviews.
FINALLY! I really needed to do this. I have over 150 reviews, and you can see them all by clicking the "Book Reviews" button at the top of the blog. I have them organized two ways by author's last name, and by title. Cool huh?
2. I've created a page for author interviews
I have so many now, that I've decided to create a page for them. It makes me happy to look at them all.
3. I've created a form for guest-posters
I've LOVED having so many guest posters on Squeaky Books. So I've created a form that you can submit ANY time you want to guest post. Just click "be a guest poster" at the top of the blog, fill out the form, and you'll be a guest poster. That simple!
4. No more upcoming releases
After October and November I'm not going to have my upcoming releases page. It was too hard to keep up, and took up page space. Instead, I'm just going to let you guys know about upcoming releases periodically in posts.
Sound good? Do you like the updates? Will you ever be a guest-poster? Do you like the review organization?

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2010