Welcome to Enna Isilee's Birthday Bash 2010!

That's right, the moment you've all be waiting for has FINALLY arrived! It's time to kick off the Birthday Bash! Wahoo! Can you believe it's FINALLY here? Can I say FINALLY again?

All right, want to know WHAT exactly this is? I'll explain:

The theme of the Birthday Bash is MY FAVORITE THINGS. Why? Because it's MY birthday, silly!

The birthday bash consists of 3 basic elements:
  • Author Interviews
  • Guest Posts
  • Giveaways
Everyday there will be AT LEAST one of these going on (except Sundays. I don't post on Sundays). I will explain each in detail now:

Author Interviews
I have had a TON of authors graciously donate their time and effort into answering some interview questions. Look forward to authors talking about their favorite (or not-so-favorite) birthday experiences. Nearly EVERY author interview is associated with a contest.

Guest Posts
I have asked a bunch of my favorite YA bloggers around the web to share something birthday-ish with us. This is a great chance to look into the inner psyche of your favorite bloggers. Muahaha! Guest posts will go up at 7:47 AM MST on designated days (NOTE TO GUEST POSTERS: I had to shift around the days, so the day I said you'd be featured in the e-mail MAY not actually be the correct day. Sorry. E-mail me if you want to know your actual day.)

Don't pretend this wasn't the part you were most excited about! There will be a giveaway EVERY Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Meaning there will be AT LEAST TWELVE (12) GIVEAWAYS!

I have asked various bloggers to "host" the contests for me (meaning you have to go to their blogs to enter). Ony a few will be hosted here, but I'll provide links to all of them. No worries.

Nearly EVERY CONTEST gives you an extra entry if you are a follower, and some of the contests require it. But not most of them. The majority of the contests are open to residents of the US and Canada, though a couple are only US (sorry international peeps. I <3 you!). Contests will go up at 12:05 PM MST on designated days.

Now, not EVERY post I make will be a birthday bash post. I'll still be posting reviews and such, as I normally would. After all, I will certainly still be reading.

If you want to keep tabs on everything that's been going on, you should reference back to the BIRTHDAY HOMEPAGE. That's where I'll be posting all the links to contests, guest posts, and interviews.

First Interview/Contest goes up at 12:05 today! Be looking for it.

Comment if you're excited! ;)

I'm also going to use this opportunity to thank everyone who donated a prize to the bash:


  1. This sounds like a fun fun fun month! LOVE IT!!! Happy Birthday to you...


  2. Very cool! This sounds like a fun-filled month. *grin*

  3. Way excited for a great month of contests and posts.

  4. E.X.C.I.T.E.D!!!! Happy bday to you!

  5. Yay, glad this is finally underway! Hope you'll have a lot of fun in this bash. :) I'm glad I got to participate.

  6. Wooooooooooooo! Happy Birthday all month long!

    Your birthday, but you're giving away the gifts.


Thank you so much for commenting! I read each and every one.

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