*Stork-- Wendy Delsol

Release Date: October 12th, 2010
Genre: Folklore/Paranormal/Romance
Pages: 355
Series: Stork #1
Goodreads Page: Click here
Sixteen-year-old Katla has just moved from Los Angeles to the sticks of Minnesota. As if it weren’t enough that her trendy fashion sense draws stares, she learns to her horror that she’s a member of an ancient order of women who decide to whom certain babies will be born. Add to that Wade, the arrogant football star whom Katla regrettably fooled around with, and Jack, a gorgeous farm boy who initially seems to hate her. Soon Katla is having freaky dreams about a crying infant and learns that, as children, she and Jack shared a near-fatal, possibly mystical experience. Can Katla survive this major life makeover and find a dress for the homecoming dance?
Review: I surprised myself by liking this book as much as I did. Since it's about being able to choose who gets pregnant, I was worried about a lot of sexual content. Naturally, there was some, but it wasn't explicit at all. The entire novel was practically spotless!

This read to me kind of like a Janette Rallison book: light, but very fun and gripping. I really wanted to know what was going to happen! I love the way Katla developed through the story. She's annoying and materialistic at the beginning, but the reader was able to watch her mature into a very likeable person in a very enjoyable way. It was so subtle that the transformation was easily believed.

And the romance? Very good. Cute and spunky.

I wish there had been more "storking" through the book. She only chooses one person to have a baby in the entire book! And the paranormal element thrown in at the end was... interesting. I'm really excited for both of these aspects to be flushed out in the sequel Frost coming in 2011.

Great job of mixing modern themes, folklore, and the supernatural. All in all, yay! Here's another one I'll definitely be purchasing when it comes out.


  1. Ooooo I loved this review. You discussed my concerns and mentioned one of my favorite writers JR :)

    I must read this.

    Thanks for the awesome review.

  2. This sounds like such a great book - it's on my wishlist, I cant wait to get it for myself - awesome review!

  3. Wow, that picqued my interest! I'll look out for it.

  4. I read this one for a book tour and absolutlely loved it!! I'll be picking up a copy for my collection when it comes out and probably read it again soon!

  5. This book sounds so interesting! Thanks for the review! *adds to wishlist*

  6. Lovely review. I've been wanting to read this one since i heard about it on goodreads.

  7. I'm going to have to read this one!

  8. This book is so going on my reading list. It seems like a cute and spunky read.

  9. I just heard about this last week from another blogger and now I can see why it's getting so much love from bloggers! Sounds like a fantastic book! :)

  10. This sounds really interesting! It seems almost weird that it seems to be set in modern times, and I get annoyed by people obsessed with prom... But it's been getting a lot of good attention, so I'd love to give it a chance!

    Great review!

  11. This book sounds really cool! Can'y wait to get my hands on it!

  12. Sounds like a great book. Hopefully if I don't win it my library will get it!

  13. I really like books in which you see the protagonist grow and become a better person. The premise of this story sounds interesting as well. Thanks for the review.

  14. This sounds like such a good book. i really want to read it.

  15. This is such an intriguing concept- I really want to read this one. Thanks for your review.

  16. Loved the review- I'll read anything that gets 5 button flowers:)

  17. Great review. It sounds like an incredible book.

  18. Sounds interesting, I'll be adding it to my TBR pile now :D

  19. Stork looks like it going to be a great book, something new/interesting. I got to read this soon. :) Awesome review.

  20. This sounds like a really interesting one. Very clever idea for a storyline. And it sounds like you really enjoyed it!

  21. I really want to read this! It sounds fun and different! Can't wait to read it!

  22. ohhh... sounds like a good one! Can't wait to read it! Interesting concept and something a little different from the norm. I like.

  23. Awesome review --- you said it much better than I did. Thanks.


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