**Paranormalcy-- Kiersten White

Release Date: August 31st, 2010
Genre: Paranormal
Pages: 352
Series: Paranormalcy #1
Goodreads Page: Click here
Sixteen-year-old Evie's job is bagging and tagging paranormals. Possessing the strange ability to see through their glamours, she works for the Intern ...more Sixteen-year-old Evie's job is bagging and tagging paranormals. Possessing the strange ability to see through their glamours, she works for the International Paranormal Containment Agency. But when someone--or something--starts taking out the vamps, werewolves, and other odd beasties she's worked hard to help become productive members of society, she's got to figure it out before they all disappear and the world becomes utterly normal.

Normal is so overrated.
Review: ...





This book is... woah. I can't think of a better word to describe it. Except, perhaps, "bleep" which is equally undescriptive.

I guess I'll keep my review brief. Aside from having an AWESOME story line, Kiersten has a FABULOUS voice! I've never really read anything like it. It's quirky and sassy and REAL. Often authors who go for the quirky voice end up with something sounding forced and cheesy. Not Kiersten. Her voice remains true throughout the entire book and had me LAUGHING my HEAD off! And is HAS apparently caused me to PUT random WORDS in all CAPS.

So there you go. Amazingness. It comes out August 31st, and you should preorder it NOW! Lots of cool stuff happens if you preorder it:
Did you know that every time you pre-order Paranormalcy a super hot werewolf inexplicably loses his shirt, a centuries-old vampire enrolls in high school for reasons unfathomable to the rest of us and promptly identifies the object of his obsession, a mermaid realizes life really IS better down where it's wetter and forgets about the emo prince she doesn't even know, and MTV starts casting for The Real World: Atlantis? It's true. You're doing so much good in the supernatural world by supporting Paranormalcy! I've even heard rumors that every time you pre-order, a supernatural guy and a mortal girl who absolutely under no circumstances whatsoever upon pain of death and the destruction of the entire world cannot get together end up having a hot make-out scene anyway!

~Kiersten White


  1. This book makes me thing of a Barbie doll in that dress that Debbie made. Want to read.

  2. Loved this book! Seriously I think it's my favorite YA book this year.


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