Giveaway & Guest Post: A birthday in the Philippines

Today Squeaky Books welcomes Chachic from Chachic's Book Nook. Chachic is a wicked-sweet blogger from the Philippines! TODAY she is hosting a giveaway of any UK Shannon Hale book! Go check it out here. In the meantime, Chachic talks about her last birthday, and the differences between cultures.

Enna Isilee asked me to write about anything birthday-related for my guest post and I thought I'd write about my birthday this year. March marks the start of summer here in the Philippines and when I was in school, a lot of people forgot my birthday because it occurs after the school year ends. Now that I'm working, it doesn't matter that much. This is the year that I turned 25. I didn't have anything grand planned but to celebrate my age, I thought I'd go crazy with the book buying and get 25 books in one month. I went beyond that number. I haven't even finished reading all of the books that I bought that month. To see the full list of what I got, click here.

Also, we have this thing here in the Philippines where you treat your friends for your birthday. I know it's different in the States because my cousins told me that friends pay for the birthday girl/boy's meal when they go out. So because the birthday person treats the group, it's customary to give gifts. This year, some of my friends requested that I come up with a wishlist and post it on my blog. Of course my list had more books it in that anything else! I received 14 books as gifts as a result of that list. Also, some of girlfriends gave me a box of used books! That's the most number of books that I ever got for my birthday. It made me so happy.

I chose to talk about the book-related aspect of my birthday because this is the year that I started a book blog so I thought it's very appropriate. Aside from these books, I'm also thankful for a lot of things. I have my friends and family, a job, a roof over my head, money to buy good food and books. It hasn’t been smooth sailing all throughout but I’d like to think that the good things outweigh the bad. :)

Thanks Chacchic! Now y'all should head over to her blog to win one of the BEAUTIFUL UK Paperbacks of Shannon Hale's YA book!


  1. Yay, thank you so much for allowing me to host a giveaway and for featuring me here on your blog. I hope my story's not too lame. LOL. I forgot to wish you a very Happy Birthday in my post! I have a feeling you're having a great one. :)

  2. I love Shannon Hale. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I've never read any of Shannon's books. The covers are beautiful.

    meredithfl at gmail dot com

  4. Shannon Hale is brilliant! Those covers are absolutely lovely, too. Oh, and a very happy birthday! This was a lovely feature :)

    I'm a new follower...your blog is lovely!

  5. 25 + 14 books? *dying* That's a brilliant birthday idea. :D


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