Reckless-- Cornelia Funke

Release Date: September 14th, 2010
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 400
Goodreads Page: Click here
For years, Jacob Reckless has been secretly disappearing to another world, a world behind a mirror, a world for which his father abandoned his family. The mirror world is Jacob's escape from reality. It's a place for treasure hunts and magnificent quests. A world where witches haunt the forests and giants and dwarfs roam. A world locked in a deadly war.

Jacob's secret seems safe, until one day his younger brother Will follows him, with disastrous consequence. Faced with a curse that is quickly turning Will to stone, the Reckless brothers are thrust into a race against time to find a cure before Will is lost forever.
Review: The majority of this book was really good. If you like InkHeart then you’ll probably like this. Very similar concepts. I really liked the story of the war, and the vague fairy-tale references that you can only catch if you really know your tales. (I’m a HUGE twisted fairy tale fan, as you probably know.)

However, the exposition was TERRIBLE! It felt like the first 50 pages of the book were missing. All of a sudden you’re thrown into this story with no explanation. Eventually everything gets explained, but it just set a bad tone for the novel. I was confused for the first 150 pages. When a book makes me work that hard it’d better be worth it. And Reckless was good, but it wasn’t worth the annoying beginning.

Slight sexual innuendo, but it’s very vague. You might not even think it’s sexual if you read it.

I believe die-hard fans of Cornelia Funke will not be disappointed by this book, and should probably own it. However, it’s not one I’m going to buy (I own all the InkHeart books). I recommend getting it from a library and testing it out before you decide whether or not to purchase it.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even know about this book, and I love Cornelia Funke. Thanks for the review. I'll have to find a copy. :)


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