Upcoming Release: Human .4

Release Date: March 8th, 2011
GoodReads Page | Amazon

Humanity, like computers, can be upgraded. And old versions disappear. . . .

At some unspecified point in the future, when technology is as advanced as possible and we are a race of super beings, some old audio tapes are discovered. On the tapes is the story of fourteen-year-old Kyle Straker.

Hypnotized, Kyle missed the upgrade of humanity to 1.0. He isn't compatible with our new technology. And through the recording, he narrates what the upgrades really mean. And it's absolutely terrifying.
Why I want it: This book sounds really creepy and intriguing. I want to read it just to know what exactly it’s about!

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All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. I have this book sitting on my shelf. I can't wait to read it, it sounds so good!

  2. Sounds awesomely scary!


    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com


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