In My Mailbox: Preperation

Here's my latest IMM vlog! According to my survey most of you like these. And those of you that don't... well... don't watch it. *wink*


All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. That was one of the most adorable IMMs I've ever seen! Love your use of ergo and your choice of books...Matched, Across the Universe, Unraveled, Nightshade. All good!

  2. Great books! I've been wanting to get a copy of Across the Universe for awhile now. I've added the Kiki Strikes books to my TBR too!

  3. I loved how you did that vlog. That was so awesome!

  4. I love it when you vlog. I haven't read any of those books either.

  5. Guess who had time to watch your vlog? XD lol, love the whole reversible cover thing! Also, I tried googling the lyrics to that song, but couldn't find who it was by-do you mind telling me? Thanks so much :).

  6. Awesome mailbox! I loved the song. :) I read Across the Universe and Nightshade recently, and I liked both of them quite a bit. Hope you enjoy your books!

  7. Nevermind, I found the song (stupid error, of course!) :D. This will be stuck in my head for a while...

  8. This vlog is totally adorable! Lily of the Nile, Matched and Nightshade are all great, and I cannot wait to read Across the Universe. Enjoy your new books!

  9. THat was amazing!! I loved it. I hope you keep doing it that way. :)

    There is still time to enter my Steampunkery Giveaway!!!

    Mad Scientist
    Steampunkery & Book Reviews
    Forbidden Steam  Adult- even the Mad Scientist gets naughty!

  10. Great vlog! I suck at technology so I doubt I'll ever do one of those!! But you got quite a few books, yay!

    Here's my IMM

    Happy Reading!

  11. That was so good and cute!! I wish I knew how to do that, lol. Great bunch this week :)

  12. Enna, I hope you love Lily; Stephanie is an amazing author and the sweetest person! Lily was an unbelievably well written debut!

    You and I have such similar taste in music, every IMM song is one I know by heart.



  13. I'm with Mrs. D, this is the cutest video IMMs I have ever seen!


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