Picture the Dead-- Adele Griffin

Release Date: May 01, 2010
Pages: 224
Genre: Historical Fiction/Paranormal

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Jennie’s connection with her twin brother, Toby, grew stronger after he died in 1864. Now Jennie must rely on her ability to communicate with the dead to find out what has happened to her beloved fiance, Will, while he was off at war. The army says he died honorably in battle. But his brother and her instinct tells her something else is going on. And soon, Jennie begins to doubt that anyone is telling her the truth.
Review: The summary sounds interesting, eh? I thought so too. But let me tell you something: Jennie's "ability to communicate with the dead" is not really an "ability." Her brother never "talks" to her. You never see him. It mentions something about how he had good eyesight, and as soon as he died she had good eyesight, and that's about it.

For the first third of the book I thought it was a ghost story, for the second third I thought it was a love story, and for the final third I realized it was some kind of feminist... something. I dunno. Or maybe it was a story about how true love can overcome even death. Not sure. It was confusing.

But it was still nice to read. I didn't dislike any of it. I was just confused. Plus, the illustrations were weird. There were "scrapbook pages" between each chapter, and I just ended up skipping those. I don't think they were super-important.

I think I ended the book thinking that Jennie was crazy instead of spiritualistic. It was kind of a Turn of the Screw thing.

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