Exciting Upcoming Releases?

Howdy y'all. I'm working on a new page for my blog similar to the New Reads page over at Kristi's blog (but I'm not going to copy it! Certainly not after that post she wrote about someone who did copy it.)

Anyway, what's coming out this year (or even next year) that you're SUPER excited for? Or even books that your kinda excited for. And certainly books that you're curious about.*

Anyway, spill. I've got a few on my list, but what do you have on yours?


*Please be aware that I will only put books on my Upcoming Releases page that uphold the Squeaky Book standards (no extreme profanity, or vivid sexual scenes.)


  1. An umcoming release i am looking forward to is The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa thats coming out in August, and The Iron Queen thats coming out Febuary 2011!!!

    I love your blog, its so adorable!

  2. Anything on my wishlist-to-read list on Goodreads. Granted, some have come out already, but a good 2/3 have yet to be released.


  3. Mockingjay!! I was excited for Princess of Glass, but that's already out (and read).

  4. Mockingjay! Mockingjay! I can't believe it's June already!

  5. Anna and the French Kiss, by Stephanie Perkins and Paranormalcy, Kiersten White and Mockingjay. :o)


Thank you so much for commenting! I read each and every one.

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