Some announcements

Karou won! That means I have some winners to announce, but first a different announcement:

PLEEEEASE tell your friends to nominate. Some of the numbers are SO CLOSE and I'm looking to tip the scales. I'll leave it open until 11:59mst on 12-19-11. CLICK HERE TO NOMINATE! I'd like at least 20 more people to vote.

Now winners. I've already contacted my twitter winner, and it looks like we didn't have enough people for the prize pack. But don't worry, it'll be back next round.

But my commenter winner I can (and will) announce now! You remember how I said I'd do this? I'm going to announce three names (with links to your blogger profile) and the first person to e-mail me their address gets it! Here we go...

Holly was the first to e-mail me! Congrats!

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. Congrats on Karou's win! Still no one e-mailed? Well, congrats to who ever will be first ;)


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