Read-a-thon starting line!

Strap yourselves in, boys! (Even though... well... none of you are boys, right?) It's read-a-thon time!

Time for your start-up posts! Post your booklists, how close you are to your goal, and anything else you want!

I will do this... in the morning. I dunno why I started a read-a-thon at midnight. That's far too late for me to START reading. So I shall start in approximately 8 hours with Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer. Yee-haw!

Post your booklists in the comments, or link to a blog post below.

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. I have far more books than I could possibly read even in a week-long readathon, but that's all part of the fun! This is going to be great!

    My starting post:
    The Oh-My-Word... Readathon at Pica Reads

  2. Same here Pica. Still, I'll read as much as I have time for

  3. I'm so excited! I can't wait to start reading!

  4. I really want to do this. I have like 5 books to go and have completed half of one on my e-reader. Ummmmmm I don't know!!! Maybe I will post something later eeek!

    La Toya (La Toya, literally.)

  5. We sort of started reading. The bf is almost done his first and I went and bought some shoes for work... does that count? ;) Hopefully this afternoon and evening will be quieter! I have coffee waiting and ready for when the sleepies hit. :)

  6. Love this read-a-thon's name, it captures my panic perfectly :P

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hope I can still enter, I had to work at the library today.

    My Entry Post, List and Update


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