In My Mailbox: All I want for Christmas is books!

Here's my pre-Christmas IMM vlog! I've got some great holiday-reads and I'm excited to dig into them!

The release dates in the video are the ones that are printed on the ARCs, but I can see that they aren't all correct. If you want to make sure that it's the correct date, check out the links below the vid. Enjoy!


From Around the World Tours (not featured in video):
 From Macmillan:
From Amazon Vine:

From Kai @ Fiction State of Mind:
From mystery giver:
From person-who-I-love-but-card/name-I-lost:

From super-awesome friend Debbie/Nerd Goddess:


  1. Awesome Vlog! Very well done! Enjoyed it! Happy Reading and Merry Xmas!

  2. Holy crap thats a lot of AWESOME books!!! I actually met Frank but never read any of his books! Let me know what you think! And I've been dying to get my hands on a lot of the books you got!! Enjoy! ;-)

  3. Woah, that is wuite the lineup of awesome books! You'll be quite busy for the remainder of the Holidays :) Enjoy 'em!

    The Bursting Bookshelf

  4. You are so nice to me! I love that you always seem to put "super awesome" before my name, haha. Enjoy your holiday reading!

  5. Great vlog! Wow! You have some great books--many of whom I want! Happy holidays!

  6. I won an ARC of Midnight in Austenland from Shannon's blog, but have yet to receive it. I'm glad to see it's real though! I am trying so hard to wait patiently for it, since I know she's under a big deadline. Not to mention just the craziness of regular life with 4 kids and it being the holidays and all! But it is SO hard to be patient! Aaaagggghhh!!! :)


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