In My Mailbox: Lucky Likes

A World Without Heroes, Brandon Mull (Goodreads | Amazon)
Posession, Elana Johnson (Goodreads | Amazon)
Eyes Like Mine, Julie Wright (Goodreads | Amazon)
The Lost Saint, Bree Despain (Goodreads | Amazon)
Outside In, Maria V. Snyder (Goodreads | Amazon)
Divergent, Veronica Roth (Goodreads | Amazon)
Wolfsbane, Andrea Cremer (Goodreads | Amazon)

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. Love the video and how fun to have a big awesome pile of wonderful books to read.

  2. I sooo wouldn't be able to do a video! Good job! Outside In was pretty good! Of course I'm just addicted to Maria's books!!

    My IMM goes up tomorrow! Be sure to stop by!

    Old Follower
    a GREAT read

  3. I want to read Possession, Wolfsbane, and Outside In! Divergent is my favorite read of 2011 so far...Don't know what could possibly top it, but I'm open to suggestions! Happy readings.

  4. YOU ARE SO LUCKY THAT YOU GOT DIVERGENT!!!! I'm dying to read that one. I've heard so many good things about it. :)

  5. Oh myyyyy. I loooooooove your vlog.

    Squeeeeee--- you've had a wicked fabulous week or weeks. Wolfsbane, Possession, Divergent.... Ahhhh!!!

    ENJOY!!!!! I know I enjoyed watching your vlog. I can only imagine how much you'll enjoy reading them lovely books!!

    Here is my IMM:

  6. So awesome. So jealous. I'm so excited to read the Brandon Mull one and Possession! AND Outside In. Divergent sounds so good too! And Wolfsbane!! Aaagghh! Lucky girl! :D

  7. LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE LURVVVV your vlog! :)I got Divergent this week too! Squee! love me some dystopia!

  8. OMG you have Divergent! Lucky you!

  9. I love your vlogs :) Awesome haul! Can't remember if I noticed this before but I love how you match the text of the books shown to a color from the cover :)
    Happy Reading!

  10. So many awesome books! I'm quite jealous, especially about Possession and the Beyonders book. And Divergent.

  11. Debbie, uou know you can borrow any of my books!

    Emily, yup. I try. Sometimes I can't find a color that looks good, though. There was a LOT of blue in this one.

  12. what a nice pile you've got this week. I feel rather special that my name showed up on your vlog! I hope you enjoy the books


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