Year in Review: 2012
This hasn't been my best year in blogging. I think I definitely slacked off a bit (senior year, ya know). Hopefully 2013 will be even better!
EDIT: This should have gone up at 11:59pm on 12/31/12. Dunno why it didn't.
Here is my year-end statistics post:
As of 11:59pm on 12/31/12
Followers: 1,714 (Up 331 from last year.)
Newsletter Subscribers Gained: 80
Twitter Followers: 1,219 (Up 438 from last year.)
2012 Blog Posts: 208 (total 892)
Books Read: 48 (Not quite as pathetic as 2009, but still pretty sad.)
Average Time Taken per book: 5 days
Pages Read: 27,927 (Approx. 377 pages per book)
Books Reviewed: 37 (List Below)
2012 Squeaky Books: 12 (Total 66)
2011 Semi-Squeaky Books: 8 (Total 39)
EDIT: This should have gone up at 11:59pm on 12/31/12. Dunno why it didn't.
Here is my year-end statistics post:
As of 11:59pm on 12/31/12
Followers: 1,714 (Up 331 from last year.)
Newsletter Subscribers Gained: 80
Twitter Followers: 1,219 (Up 438 from last year.)
2012 Blog Posts: 208 (total 892)
Books Read: 48 (Not quite as pathetic as 2009, but still pretty sad.)
Average Time Taken per book: 5 days
Pages Read: 27,927 (Approx. 377 pages per book)
Books Reviewed: 37 (List Below)
2012 Squeaky Books: 12 (Total 66)
2011 Semi-Squeaky Books: 8 (Total 39)
All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011
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