Holiday Reading! Read-a-thon?

Wahoo! If you're reading this, finals week is finally over! Even though my finals week wasn't very hard, it still felt like FINALS WEEK and so I had this strange guilt about reading. But that's gone now, and it's time to read!!!

I am WOEFULLY behind on my reading goal, but I hope to read at least TEN BOOKS before I go back to school on January 7th. The the top ten books I'm hoping to get to can be seen in this list, but what I want to know from YOU is...

Who wants to read-a-thon?!

In order to meet my goal I would LOVE to have another read-a-thon (last year's read-a-thon button is pictured). If you would be interested in participating, please let me know which of the following dates are better for you:

December 21-23
December 27-29

Or if there are enough people who want to do both, we can do both! Let me know in the comments!

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. I've been so hoping you'd do another end-of-the year readathon! I would prefer Dec. 21-23, but I would love to participate no matter which date you choose.

    Pica @ Pica Reads

  2. Any would work and I would love to participate!!

  3. oh, and FYI, my 3yr old is obsessing over the penguins : )

  4. After Christmas would work a lot better for me because the holidays can be a tad unpredictable in my home, but I'm up for anything!

    (I'm doing this from my brand new Kindle Fire, and I was positive I saw a giant bug on the screen. Turns out it was just a Pengin!

  5. I think it would be great either way. Not sure how much time I could find to read. But it is always fun to do things in groups.

  6. I'm up for both. I'm already over my reading goal, but I would like to see how many books ahead I could get before the end of the year. :)

  7. Hooray for finals weeks being over! I share your enthusiasm!

    I'm up for a post-Christmas read-a-thon, because a) I'm going to be going crazy with pre-Christmas prep on the 21-23, and b) I'll want to read the books I get for Christmas. :)


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