Book Advice Needed 2012!

All right, if you've been following this blog for a while then you know about my grandparents tradition. Every Christmas they take all of their grandkids out to eat, and then to the bookstore to choose books for their Christmas presents. I am incapable of choosing right away, so my grandma gives me time to make a list and then go home and think about it.

That's where you come in.

I've narrowed it down to five books, which is not as many as I usually get. So if you have any suggestions for more, please share! I also want your opinions on these five. Most of these I'd never even heard of before today (which is so exciting!), which means I'll need all the help I can get. If you've read any/all PLEASE take a minute to comment with your thoughts. In general I'm looking for four things:

Is this book good?
Does it have a lot of harsh profanity?
Would you be interested in a review from me about it?
Are there any that you think I should add to my list?
(I didn't find as many as I wanted this year)

By profanity I mean does it have more than 2 f-words. I'm fine with pretty much anything else. So here are the books:

Stefan Petrucha
(Goodreads | Amazon)

The Bridge
Jane Higgins
(Goodreads | Amazon)
My Thoughts: I do love serial killer books. However, the description says it has "whip-smart" dialogue, which usually means annoying and petulant in my experience.
My Thoughts: The most interesting thing about this book [for me at least] is the idea of the "hostiles." I'm imagining something like I Am Legend or something. But it's published by a relatively small publisher. And I'm always wary of those.

The Last Dragonslayer
Jasper Fforde
(Goodreads | Amazon)

Warm Bodies
Isaac Marian
(Goodreads | Amazon)
My Thoughts: Magic is fading away because of technology? COOL! Or really cheesy.
My Thoughts: The movie trailer for this looks SO FUNNY. And I've wanted to read the book for a while anyway. What do you think? Winner?

Jay Kristoff
(Goodreads | Amazon)

Your recommendation goes here!

I didn't find as many books as I like to. And I'm not uber-excited about most of these. If you have suggestions, please feel free to suggest them!
I generally prefer books that I haven't heard of before for this list. Not sequels, etc.
My Thoughts: Some of my blogger friends have RAVED about this book, but I haven't gotten it yet. Anyone else want to rave (either positive or negative)?

THANK YOU! I'll let y'all know which ones I choose! And if you're curious, here's the list from 2010 and here's 2011.

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. Haven't read any of them except for Stormdancer which I absolutely loved. Warm Bodies is being made into a movie, comes out early next year, trailer looks awesome. Everyone keeps saying the movie looks better than the book, so idk :P

  2. Stormdancer and The Last Dragon Slayer look fabulous.

  3. I read Warm Bodies. It wasn't a comedy like the movie trailer shows. It was entertaining but not your typical zombie story. There were a decent amount of F bombs in it.

  4. I found Warm Bodies to be really gruesome and full of foul language. The trailer makes me laugh as well. The fact that everyone looks at me funny when I laugh only makes me laugh harder. I guess not everyone thinks it is funny. I don't remember laughing when I read the book. I guess the screen adaptation makes all the difference. While I enjoyed the book I am not sure I would recommend it. The only other book I have heard about it Stormdancer. But I haven't managed to read it so I can't say anything. I likewise have had a hard time coming up with books I want to purchase for the holidays. So far the only book I know I have to buy is Edenbrooke. But I have already read that and just wanted my own copy. Must be a bad year in books for me. :( Good luck!

  5. If u haven't read the Brenna Blixen series, I suggest getting the first book called Double Clutch. If you're looking for romance and not necessarily YA, the Bride Quartet series by Nora Roberts is amazing. The first book is called Vision in White

  6. I enjoyed Stormdancer, though it doesn't read like a YA book at all. There is a bit of mild language and some sexual themes. I found the prose a little rough at first (but I find steampunk in general rough), but once I got about 100 pages in, I couldn't put the story down.

  7. I haven't read it yet, one the first few pages on the internet, but there is a new book called BETA.

    I have it checked out at this very moment from the library, so when I'm done reading Divergent, I'll let you know if it lives up to my expectations. Another book I haven't read but want to: Dark Star

  8. We would be interested in reading your review of WARM BODIES, because we love the trailer too!

    Hmm, what else is out right now that looks/sounds good... (Sorry if you've read some of these already! Can't remember.)

    WONDER by RJ Palacio
    SERAPHINA by Rachel Hartman
    CODE NAME VERITY by Elizabeth Wein
    SHADOW AND BONE by Leigh Bardugo

  9. Have you read The False Prince, by Jennifer Nielsen? It reminded me of Megan Whalen Turner's books.

  10. STORMDANCER!! I just reviewed this book today. My heavens, it's good. It does have profanity (a lot, by my standards), but I can't remember if there was more than one f-bomb. But I take white-out to those, so it's not a problem for me.

    If you're interested in my review, it's here: and whether you get STORMDANCER for Christmas or not, when you do end up reading it, I'd love to hear what you think!

    Some other recommendations:

    As someone else mentioned THE FALSE PRINCE is very MWT-esque. (You'll more than likely guess the twist, but it's still a fun ride and Sage is very Gen-like.)

    SERAPHINA by Rachel Hartman is mind-blowingly fantastic. Seriously. Read this book.

    SCARLET by A.C. Gaughen (a debut) is also a great retelling of the Robin Hood tale.

    Oooh, and you need to read SHATTER ME. I didn't see it in your review archive.

    THRONE OF GLASS is also very good. (Read the e-novellas first.)


Thank you so much for commenting! I read each and every one.

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