Guest post-- Chantele Sedgwick

Today I have a very special treat! Back when I was still a fairly new blogger I met this super-awesome blogger named Chantele. She had fabulous taste, and was oh-so nice.

Well, Chantele doesn't book blog anymore. BUT, now SHE'S AN AUTHOR! It's so cool to get to know her both before and after her being published. She's here today to write about:

How to Create Real and Authentic Challenges for your Characters

Thank you so much for having me on your blog today, Enna!

I'm always nervous when people ask me to talk about a certain topic pertaining to my writing. I was happy though, when Enna let me choose between a few different topics to talk about. One of her questions, was how I create real and authentic challenges for my characters.

The truth is ... it just sort of happens! My characters tell their own stories and I just write them down! ;) But truthfully, I love a good story. But a good story has to have believable characters with specific challenges they face throughout the book. In Not Your Average Fairy Tale, one of my main character's, Kendall, loses her father in a car accident. There seems to be a lot of dead parents in YA, so I wanted to make her's a little different. I gave the accident a little twist and had Kendall in the driver's seat when her father died. She has a lot of guilt since she was the one driving, and it was interesting to see how she handled everything. Not well at first, if you can imagine.

When I was writing her story, I kept thinking, how would I ever get over something like that? The truth is, she handled it so much better than I would if something like that happened to me. She's a very strong person, but to make her emotions authentic, (when she showed them) I put my own feelings about death into her character. I've lost a few people during my life and a few of the scenes showing Kendall's grief were really hard for me to write since it brought back so many of my own memories. And for that reason, I think it made the story much better. I believe if you have a hard, emotionally charged scene to write, you have to dig deep into yourself and pull out memories of your own, so the impact and emotion that comes out on the page feels real. I love Kendall's character, not only because she falls in love with a really hot fairy, but because she changes a lot throughout the book. She's very very hard on herself, but there's a point where she realizes how important she is to her loved ones and she has to let go of past things she can't control. Just like in real life. :)

Thank you for having me, Enna!!

Chantele didn't just come to write a guest post, she's also got an awesome giveaway! Enter to win a KINDLE/a copy of Chantele's book. It's so awesome, how could you resist?!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. Ooo! I would wish for one, this book:) Two, a million dollars. Three, a new camera!

  2. I would wish for more wishes of course! Then I would wish for all the books that I want that haven't come out yet.

  3. I would wish for all the books I want to read, my family to never be sick again, and time to write.

  4. Great post, with great advice! Thanks so much!
    If I had 3 wishes, I would wish for:
    To go into remission, to never again have to worry about money, and the opportunity to publish my first novel.

  5. I have no idea what I would wish for! I, like Kendell, have a hard time just taking things I didn't think I earned. Great post Chantele!

  6. I agree, if you listen to your characters they will tell you their story. They may need a nudge or two but mostly they know what's going on.

  7. ok, for my three wishes 1. For an agent to love my book, 2. For obedient children, well mostly obedient, sometimes it's pretty funny when they're not, 3. For my children not to be sick constantly.

    Can you tell what kind of day I'm having?

  8. That's a tough question! Are we allowed to wish for more wishes? :) I'd have to say: the ability to grow a garden, children who grow into helpful, happy, responsible adults, and an extra hour at night just for reading.

  9. 3 wishes: my dad could find a job, I could learn to sew, and I could be accepted to Byu Provo!

  10. I'd wish for an extra hour (or three) during the day to write, being able to read faster, and... my kids to achieve whatever they want to do (cheesy, sorry). Love the advice in this post!

  11. If I had to wish right this second, I would go with sleep, sleep, and a little more sleep. It's been a long day!! This was a great guest post. I love hearing authors explain more about their writing process!

  12. First would be that my family and friends are debt free. Second, I would wish myself to Australia to visit my brother and third would be that my book edits itself. :)

    Thanks so much!

    Konstanz Silverbow


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