Libba Bray and Shannon Hale in Conversation

This last Saturday I had the AMAZING opportunity to attend the Libba Bray and Shannon Hale event. It was BRILLIANT. Probably the funniest author event I've ever gone to. And you can enjoy it to! I uploaded the entire hour to YouTube!

The first video is the entire event, the second video is Libba and Shannon singing "Total Eclipse of the Heart" and the third video is my favorite rendition of "Total Eclipse of the Heart" (Which you can only see if you actually come to the blog. No feed readers!). Enjoy! When I have more time I'll try to come back and add bookmarks to my favorite parts. But no promises.

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. Awesome! You got way better video than I did. I really enjoyed listening to both of them speak.

  2. Fonzie's been cloned! I love that video - never gets old. :)

  3. Hilarious! And now that song's going to be stuck in my head all day.

  4. How fun!! Thank you so much for sharing this vid. They have such great chemistry together. :)

  5. Thanks for sharing the video! I was too busy laughing to even think about getting video. I realized afterward that I wished I had because I couldn't remember specifics about what they talked about, lol.


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