Read-Along Week #1

It's time to start the read-along! If you haven't already, grab a copy of Matched and START READING!

Each Tuesday we'll come back together to discuss what we've read so far. If you participate in the discussion and answer the questions you'll be entered to win these babies:


That's right! Each discussion you participate in will gain you entries toward your choice of either of these sets of Breathless Reads books! Isn't that amazing?! We'll give away a set for each book we read (so one winner when we finished Matched and another when we finished Crossed)

Please note that you must have signed up in order to be qualified to win. And you can only enter the giveaway if you answer the question BEFORE the next question is posted. So you have until 10/9 to answer this one.

So let's get to today's discussion! Since we haven't started yet, I'll keep things simple:

Which of the three matched books has the best cover? Why?

Answer that question in the comments, fill out the rafflecopter, and you'll be entered to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. Definitely Matched - it's beautiful, and the green dress is significant. I thought Crossed was a little strange - her clothes, her position, etc. Reached is beautiful, too, but having not read it yet I can't say if it really captures the feel of the book or not. :)

  2. I really like them all. They are all very similar so for me it really boils down to which colors you prefer. I love the green on the matched cover. :)

  3. I don't know which cover I like the most. They're all so pretty, and I love how they're symbolic. That being said, I really like the Reached cover and how it shows her standing up.

  4. My favorite of the covers is crossed. The first shows the confinement, the second hope, and the third freedom. I personally think that the hope really shows off the meaning of the series the best!

  5. CROSSED! CROSSED is the best cover for me because it's Cassia BREAKING OUT. Rebeling! It's a symbol, just like the other covers, but breaking out is always the most intense and scariest and THE BEST. It's the middle part that is the most interesting. :)

  6. My favorite cover is Matched. It has the pose that seems the most natural. But, needless to say I think all of the covers are awesome!

  7. Hi, I'm really new here. I haven't read any of the books, since i got the recommendation from my friend today. Honestly, after looking at the covers of the books, and reading the summary, it instantly caught my attention. I was fascinated by the author's imagination, and it just captured me. From my opinion and after reading the summary's, I love the second cover, Crossed. I love the pose, and how it describes she has matured, and is breaking out of that bubble, or how she hadn't really thought about world, and how she is discovering new stuff.Also i love how Emilee Iseminger^ described it. I also love the color blue. And also it's really hard to explain the feeling, but in summation, my favorite cover is Crossed.

  8. The Crossed cover is the best because it shows Cassia is starting to realize what is happening and she is starting to break out!!!! :)

  9. It would be CROSSED because it got my attention, but I would rather choose Reached because it looks symbolic because it looks like she's looking (searching) for something. Like how the book end.

  10. I like the cover on Reached the best. I think that shows that our main character may FINALLY break through all the BS and get to be her own person. But that's just what I think it means. I could be totatlly off base since I haven't even started the series yet.

  11. My favorite cover is Matched because it was the reason why I read the serious in the first place. It made me wonder about the book and why this beautiful girl in a green dress was trapped inside of a bubble.

  12. That is the hardest question!! This series has the most amazing covers I've ever seen. I love how they all go together and represent the book so well. I'll pick Matched since it was the first one I saw, stunning.
    Clean Teen Fiction
    Clean Adult Fiction

  13. I love the cover for Matched...I like the green, her hair looks beautiful, and I just think the bubble is kind of pretty! I didn't like her clothes or the way her arm was on Crossed, but I loved the book itself! I'm giving away my hardcover copy on my blog. Love this series
    Sarah's YA Blog: Crossed Giveaway

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I love the second book (Crossed) because you see that she has kind of broken through and that she wants her freedom. I love how in every book cover, she gets out a little more until she's finally out :)

  16. OMG! ok i dont know if any body elese noticed but each book cover means mulitpil things.for example the colors stand for the pills the green is for if you need calming the blue one is if you are somewhere and you need nutriction to suriviev and the red one is a forget pill.the arms mean sominthing to like in matched she is inside the bubble which i think means shes inside the society.the blue one means shes now croosing over from the soitey to the outer prvidence then the red ome i thinjk means that she is compleatly her own person and she is out of the soisitys mantality.anaways i like them all but my absolute favorite cover would have to be crossed because she is reblling against the soiciety and she is croosing over to a new world .p.s i love at the top of the page it says did you forget what happened stay calm we will help you surive i think its cleaver how you related all of this to the three pills.


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