In My Mailbox-- Post Birthday & Summer

Time for another IMM! I haven't done one in months! Here's the video version, the picture version, and the text version. All the versions you could need! Enjoy!

There were a few times I leaned over and showed part of my face, which is why there are random blurry bits.


Birthday Gifts:

For Review:

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. Awww, beautiful Vlog!! I really liked it!! I hope you'll enjoy Reached as much as possible! :) ;)

  2. OOoh nice haul! These are all pretty new to me, although I've heard of most of them, just haven't read any! Happy Reading!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. What a nice return back to IMM! Love the vlog and I only just realised that I missed your dancing (or rather, swaying) to music happy book hauls.

    VESSEL! FROSTFIRE! WHAT'S LEFT OF ME! SOMETHING STRANGE AND DEADLY! So excited for each of those releases. Can't wait for your reviews on them. ;)

  4. buidofisjl You Have REACHED? Where did you get that! I thought there weren't going to be ARCs of it. I'm freaking out right now!!!!!

  5. Oh and Happy Birthday. I forgot to mention that in my last comment of freaking out :)

  6. It's really hard to explain just how jealous I am that you have Reached already!! Lol! Great haul all around, but that would be the highlight for me!

  7. I'm so jealous of Reached even though I haven't read Crossed yet! I hope you enjoy everyting!

    My IMM


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