Author Interview & Giveaway-- Brodi Ashton

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Today I get to feature one of my favorite Utah authors, well, really just one of my favorite authors! Without further ado, the amazing, the fabulous: BRODI ASHTON!

You chose to base Everneath in a fairly well known Utah town. Have you lived in Park City before? Why did you choose it? Was it weird writing about a place you knew? (I know it was kind of weird for me. I go there all the time!)

Originally I had written the book with the hometown being Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Some of the remnants from setting it in Jackson were left over, including references to a "town square" and a saloon, but I later switched to Park City because I thought it would be fun to have a story based in my home state. I go to Park City a lot, and some details in the book are true to Park City, and some aren't.

I know you have a pretty rad critique group. Do you think you could have gotten to where you are now without them? Any advice for writers who don’t know how to find/start a group?

I found my critique group quite by chance. I had written another book, and found an agent, and when that agent came to town for a conference, I met another client of his, Bree Despain. (Author of the Dark Divine series). It was through Bree that I met my current critique group. Even though that group didn't help me find my first agent, because it happened before I knew them, they were invaluable in helping me when my first book didn't sell, during the writing of my second book, the parting of ways with my original agent, finding a new agent, and selling EVERNEATH. Listing it now, I realize how much I needed them, and still need them.

If you are looking for a writer's group, I would suggest placing yourself in opportunities to connect with likeminded people. Go to conferences. Find online forums. Ask around. Join SCBWI (The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) or another organization that applies to you. And don't be afraid to try out groups that might not work. Critique groups are like shoes: you might have to try a few on before you find a pair that fits.

Did you choose the title for Everneath all by yourself, or was there some publisher influence? What about with the sequel: Everbound?

The original title for Everneath was Broken. Then it changed to The Underneath. Then, I found out another book with the same title had just won an award, so I thought it should change. I brainstormed a few ideas with my critique partner, Bree Despain, and we decided to combine "Forever" and "Beneath" and make it Everneath. (Okay, she came up with the idea. My contribution was liking it.)

Once we had the Everneath title, my publisher thought it would be a good idea to begin every book with "Ever". It's not the path I would've taken, but I love the title of EVERBOUND because it is so connected with what happens in the book. It's almost a mini-synopsis of the plot! And yes, I came up with EVERBOUND.

If you were to become the immortal/eternal servant of a Greek god, which god would you most like to serve? Least like to serve?

Is there a god of Gluttony? Because I would love to be in that court. I love food. Okay, I think ADEPHAGIA is the goddess of gluttony. Yeah, I want to serve her.

Least like to serve would be Zeus. Because he was sort of a horn-dog, and I'd have to spend a lot of time being all, "Hey! Hands off the goods!" Haha. I just looked in the mirror, and literally asked my reflection, "What goods?"

Was being a published author always an end-goal for you? Or would you have been all right with writing and never being published? Would you have ever considered being published by an indie-pub or self publishing?

I would've probably stayed away from indie-pub or self-publishing, not because I don't value those avenues, but because I'm a lazy person and I would fail miserably if the marketing/cover/editing was left all up to me. And I'm one of those weird people who actually felt very fulfilled during my pre-published life. Maybe it's because I knew that I was always trying, and the journey felt like a rich part of the process.

Although, if the journey to publication had lasted more than a couple of decades, I probably would've tied my hair in braids and eaten it. Yeah, I just read that sentence, and it didn't make very much sense. But I've already written it. And I'm lazy.

And now, for some mad-libs! Please provide the following:

Jack’s bananas were flailing, and Jules mostly just nodded. At one point, she reached out and put her yurt on Jack’s escape pod. She was so clammy with him. I realized my screwdriver was covering my elbow as I watched them. I had no right to be devestated, but found myself squeezing my jugs. I stared hard at the stem, and fib it off before I dared to look up again.

Note from Enna: I put the words in exactly in the order that Brodi sent them to me. That jugs line was just coincidence.

!!Giveaway Time!!

You can win a copy of Everneath! Today's giveaway is hosted by Pica Reads. Head on over to win. This giveaway is open TO US ONLY

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. I love the way you came up with the title! That is so cool!

  2. Haha those mad libs are always so funny. Thanks for the great interview!

  3. Oooh, I've wanted to get my hands on this for a long time - even the pickiest of reviewers has really liked it! Plus - EYE CANDY COVER!!!

  4. LOL @ serving the goddess of gluttony. Great interview! :D

  5. I loved Everneath (and I'm totally a sucker for greek mythology-based fiction). Thanks for a hilarious interview!

  6. What a fab way to meet a critique group! (I think I'd want to sneak into those conferences just to meet the authors as a fan.)

  7. I've never been to park city, but it would be interesting to read a fantasy based in Utah.

  8. Thanks for the interview! I love the "Ever" titles! Ha, ha for "jugs," and what's a yurt?

  9. I am all out of witty comments to add to this post. But I am looking forward to reading Brodi Ashton's book. :)

  10. Confession: I haven't read Everneath yet, but I desperately want to!!!!!

  11. The covers of these books are so creepy!! In a good way :)

  12. Thank you for the interview!

    I smiled when I go to the part about Zeus being a horn-dog. (no, I was not making fun of the no goods part, I swear.)

    Lilian @ A Novel Toybox

  13. Love the cover of Everneath...great story how you all came up with it as well!

  14. I had no idea that Bree Despain is her critique partner. That is really awesome! The Zeus part was hilarious, as was the Mad Libs. Great interview!

  15. So looking forward to getting my hands on this book; it sounds like an amazing read! :)

  16. Wow.. it was broken?? I really like the title everneath better! Cant wait to read this book!!
    - Farah @MajiBookshelf

  17. What a cool story about the creation of the title. I like the word Everneath, but I never guessed it was a combo of forever and beneath. Writing partners are priceless. Great interview!
    Can't wait to read Everbound, Brodi!

  18. Yeah I love to eat as well lol. Love the lib. Thank you for a great interview.

  19. I <3 Brodi! Fabulous interview! Happy Blog Birthday!

  20. Omgsh, the mad-libs coincidence was priceless! Haha :) I read every bit of this interview because I loved every bit of this book! And since reading Everneath, I try not to think to much about it because it just makes me sad that I can't read the sequel yet. I. cannot. wait. Eeeeeek!!! :)

  21. I have just been dying (pun not intended) to get my hands on Everneath. And until reading this interview, I haven't actually realised that Everneath wasn't a word!

  22. OMG!!! I loved Everneath!! <3 It was such an awesometastic book! :D

  23. Totally agree about Zeus. Great interview and thanks for the giveaway!

  24. I love her Greek God of gluttony quote! That was so funny! And I totally agree! I loved Everneath when I got to read it on Netgalley, I'd love to own a copy of it!


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