Utah Author Month!

Yay! May is the official(?) Utah Author Month! You can read more about the details here at Maw Books Blog, but in a nutshell: it's a celebration of Utah authors! I adore Utah authors, so you totally know I'm participating. Wondering who's a Utah author? Well, I compiled a short list of just some of Utah's awesome authors.

A.E. Cannon (Charlotte's Rose)
Orson Scott Card (Ender's Game)
Ally Condie (Matched)
Chris Crowe (Mississippi Trial 1955)
James Dashner (The Maze Runner)
Bree Despain (The Dark Divine)
Heather Dixon (Entwined)
Ann Dee Ellis (Everything is Fine)
Jessica Day George (Dragon Slippers, Princess of the Midnight Ball)
Shannon Hale (Books of Bayern, Princess Academy, Book of a Thousand Days, and more!)
Nathan Hale (Rapunzel's Revenge)
Mettie Ivie Harrison (The Princess and the Hound)
Kristen Landon (The Limit [MG])
Lisa Mangum (The Hourglass Door)
Brandon Mull (Fablehaven)
Sydney Salter (My Big Nose and Other Natural Disasters)
Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn)
J. Scott Savage (Farworld [MG])
Emily Wing Smith (The Way He Lived, Back When You Were Easier to Love)
Wendy Toliver (Lifted)
Michael Tunnel (Wishing Moon)
Carol Lynch Williams (Glimpse, The Chosen One)
Sara Zarr (Story of a Girl, Once was Lost, Sweethearts)

I'm not sure what I'll be doing yet in terms of author interviews/giveaways. I'll definitely be doing SOMETHING, but not sure what. But I KNOW that I'll be reading a bunch of books by Utah authors and reviewing them. Here's my pile so far:

I'm going to read the Princess books by Mettie Ivie Harrison, The Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George, The Hourglass Door by Lisa Mangum, Posession by Elana Johnson, and I'm going to start re-reading the Bayern books and Book of a Thousand Days. I doubt I'll read all five Shan-books this month. But we'll see.

Even if you don't live in Utah, I would really encourage you to participate! If there are any books written by the authors listed above that you're dying to read, go for it! And claim it's for Utah author month! Win-win!

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. Brandon Sanderson's Alcatraz series (junior fiction) is a lot of fun too. There are four of five published so far.

  2. Wow. I already have a lot of these! I didn't realize the connection.

  3. I love so many of these books :) What edition are the Books of Bayern that you have? They're so beautiful!

  4. Oh! I didn't realize that a few of these books were out already. Thanks.

  5. They're the UK editions. SO PRETTY! And most of them are out. Except for POSESSION, I think.


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