How Squeaky Books got me a job (Not Really)

Some of you may have heard me tweet about this, but I haven't announced it on the blog yet.

I have a new job!

Nearly two years ago I had to quit my job at my local library for various reasons. It was a very dark day. There's nothing quite like the community of library workers. If you don't know what I mean, spend a week volunteering at your library. You'll catch on pretty quick.

When I saw that a nearby library was hiring, I got really excited. This was my childhood library, and one of the biggest I'd ever been to (seriously. It's huge). When I walked inside for my interview I was suddenly flooded with memories of being 8 years old again, and all the secret places I would hide to read.

Crying is generally frowned upon at job interviews, so I contained myself.

The job was for a page position (for those of you who don't know, you page at a library for 3 years, then you become a squire for 5, and finally a librarian. It's kinda like becoming a knight, or getting a PhD. [For those of you who don't know, that was a joke. A page is someone who re-shelves books. Nothing fancy]) which is the same position I had held previously. So the interview was full of questions like "What did you do at __________ library?" "It says here you did some custodial work, such as?"

And then came an interesting question: "You put down that you know basic web design. Tell us about that."

I can tell you I wasn't expecting that question. I told them that I had done some really basic stuff for my previous library, and I designed and managed my own website. They were curious, and asked me if they could see my website. And then pulled up Squeaky Books right then and there. I was terrified. Instantly, I began to make really nervous comments like "I haven't reviewed in a long time.... and some of my old reviews aren't very good... I know that image is a little off center... I know that's not how you spell 'penguin'." Okay, I actually didn't say most of those, but I was thinking it.

But this story has a happy ending! About 20 minutes later I had the job. Did it have anything to do with Squeaky Books? Probably not. But I'm a library person again! Turns out that I actually clean more than I shelve. And at first I was a little disappointed that I wouldn't be handling the books as much as I had before. BUT, cleaning a library is AWESOME. Especially cleaning this library. When I was a kid, this library was heaven. And now I have a chance to make it sparkle! I think my favorite part might be cleaning the big glass entrance doors. They look so good after they've been washed, and they're the first thing you see when you come in the library. My least favorite thing is definitely when I run into spiderwebs. I'm sure the spider is lurking nearby, waiting.

So that's it. I love being a library person. And I love it there. I work 7am-12pm EVERY DAY (except Saturday and Sunday), so there goes all my plans of having a sleep-filled summer, but it's good for me. Given the chance I'd sleep until noon. Now I'm already awake and alert by then!

This was really just a journal entry for me. But it was book related, and I didn't have any other post planned for today, so here ya go.

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. Congratulations on your new job! So glad that you are working in an environment that you love...:D

  2. Congrats on the new job and what a great story! I love my neighborhood library too, I hope to volunteer when the baby gets a bit older.
    Truly Bookish

  3. Congratulations!! :) I'm on the job hunt as well because we just moved, so I hope my hunt goes as well as yours did! :)

  4. Congratulations!!! It's awesome that you're working for a place that you genuinely love (so many people aren't able to say that, sadly enough) so in the end, your job doesn't even FFEL like a job. Hurray :D

  5. Congratulations on your new job!

  6. Congratulations! That is really amazing and it sounds like you'll be especially happy there :D

  7. Congrats on your new job!!! So happy for you!

  8. That's great! Congrats on your new job!

  9. Congratulations! Nothing beats working on the things you love!

  10. I laughed at the " I know that's not how you spell 'penguin'" part. Congratulations! So cute how it reminds you of your childhood!

  11. Congrats on your new job! It sounds like so much fun. I'd love to work in a library.

  12. Congrats on your new job! :) My fave place as a child was the library, too.

  13. I'm so glad to see this post, because I truly was feeling sad for you. I know this page job you have didn't turn out to be the "expected" page job, and so I've been worried. I'm happy you are enjoying it and making the best of it and loving the library into sparkles!

  14. How awesome, congrats on the new job!

  15. If I could pick any library to work in, it would be that one.

  16. That's fantastic! I just had an orientation day at a university library yesterday. I'm joining their casual team as an information services officer, manning the information desk. So I know just how excited you feel :)

  17. congratulations! working at the library is awesome! Especially the library coworkers--I agree with you. Have fun!

  18. Yay! That's exciting. Congratulations on your new job!


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