ABEA Day Two! Giveaway!

Today's Armchair BEA prompt is "Best of 2011," but I don't have the brainpower to go searching through catalogues, so I'm going to do the alternate activity for the day and host a giveaway!

So what can you win today?

A SIGNED [and semi-personalized] copy of The Princess and the Hound!

Want to know what "semi-personalized" means? Well, then you'd better enter!

I'm double dipping in this contest. It's both for ABEA and Utah author month.

How can you enter? It's simple! No forms, no extra entries, no follower requirements. I just need you to answer one little thing in the comments.

I've really enjoyed the response I got to how many people wanted me to interview them. I already sent questions to THREE people for ABEA interviews, but I want to interview even MORE after ABEA. But the thing is, I'm really terrible at thinking up questions. So if you want to win this book, you need to:

Leave a comment with one question you'd like to see in a blogger-to-blogger interview

That's it! That's how you enter. NOTE! Please try to keep your questions original. If fifty people write "What's your favorite color?" or "Why do you have a blog?" Then this giveaway was kinda pointless. I don't need brilliance, just try to be unique. In fact, go crazy if you want to! The more wacky the questions the better! I'm a wacky person. Just keep them appropriate.

You don't need to leave your e-mail in the comments. But if you don't [leave your e-mail] you'd better be watching for when I announce the winner, 'cause I won't be able to contact you.

So here's the summary:

Giveaway Details
  • One winner will get a signed [and semi-personalized] copy of The Princess and the Hound
  • Must be a resident of the US (if you aren't a resident of the US, PLEASE still leave a comment with a question, just make sure you mention that you're from another country)
  • Must leave a comment with one question you'd like to see in a blogger-to-blogger interview
  • Giveaway runs until 5/29
  • Winner announced 5/30
Any questions? Feel free to ask in the comments!

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. My question is: Hardcover, paperback, audiobook or e-book?

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  2. Hmmm. I think a good question would be 'What kind of things do you like seeing in a book?' :]

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Thanks for the giveaway! My question: favorite classic(s)?

    susanna DOT pyatt AT student DOT rcsnc DOt org

  4. This giveaway looks awesome!

    My question: what got YOU into blogging? Friends, family or just a random inspiration to do it?

    Not sure if my question is already asked or not, but whatever...

  5. Question: What are the best kind of covers for books? People? scenery? etc...

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  6. If you had to choose between having an iphone (the latest one) full of your favourite 'waiting on wednesday titles' and going to BEA WHAT WOULD YOU CHOOSE?!

    Haha hope I win.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. My question: When an author who becomes a friend asked for you to do a review on their novel, and after the read you didn't like it.... Do you sugar it up or express your honest opinion of your review?

    SpadesHigh @ http://SpadesHighReads.blogspot.com
    TValeros18 @ gmail [dot] com

  8. If you could pick any fictional character to spend the day with, who would it be?

    Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
    I've been wanting to read this for a while. I own the 2nd one, but I've been waiting to read it until I've read this one.

    debzbookshelf @ gmail . com

  9. My question is if you had to be stranded on a deserted island and you could only read three books, what would you pick?

    Yeah, I'm such a toughie.

    Thanks for the giveaway and I love my historical fictions!

  10. I'm so bad at interview questions! How about a fill-in-the-blank: "If I had a dollar for every time _______, I'd be a millionaire!"

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway! erinreadsblog {at} gmail {dot} com

  11. How do you choose a new book to read?

  12. Darn, I forgot my email. 321gemstar@gmail.com

  13. I love Mette's Princess books or anything fairy tale related.

    My question: how do you mark your spot; dog ear it, special fancy book marks, swag, whatever is close by...?

  14. This giveaway looks great!

    My question: What book character would you most love to spend a day with? Also, who do you love reading about but would never want to meet?

    and/or Where is your favorite place to read?


  15. Hmm, my question is: What food would you compare your personality to? (Are you spicy salsa or sweet and warm chocolate chip cookies?)

    Thanks for the giveaway.


  16. I would want to know if you could rename your blog would you and if yes what and why.

    lisasworldofbooks @ charter.net

  17. My question: What is one thing that you wanted to do in your life, but still haven't done?

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. What has been your favorite moment as a blogger?


  19. What made you decide this title?

    I am not a resident of the US


  20. Ooh, making us work to enter (I'm kidding, I think this is a cool way to enter).

    My question: What is one book that you think everyone MUST read at least once in their life?

    The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia

  21. What is your most exciting, meaningful or memorable moment you have experienced on your blog?


  22. If you could have any other type of blog (e.g. food, knitting, etc), what kind would you have?

    alisoncanread at gmail dot com

  23. What don't you like about middle grade novels?

  24. Ha! Myrna, I don't know if that would work in a generic interview.

    But perhaps I will do a post on that...

  25. My question is: Do you check your blog stats regularly? Why or why not?

    Thank you for the lovely giveaway!
    Amy // amyismyfriend at aol dot com

  26. thanks for the chance! my question would be how do you move past the roadblocks that inevitably crop up in your mind and stop those creative juices flowing? wilsondev at gmail dot com

  27. Who has been your favorite author interview?

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  28. Here a question: If you could be best friends with any fictional character, who would it be and why?


  29. Lots of original questions! I would ask, "Do you ever cheat and read the end of the book first?"


  30. What's your favorite source for finding out about new/upcoming books?



  31. I can't enter the contest, but my question is, do you pick the cheese or knife (from the book Divergent)?

  32. Great giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win. :)

    I think the question "which post that you've done on your blog is your favorite?" is one that I love to hear the answer to.

    littleshelf AT gmail DOT com

    Jennifer of Little Shelf

  33. My question--If you were to make the newspaper front page, what would the headline read?

    I'm a follower on GFC-Lisa Richards


    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  34. What was the craziest/ most interesting comment you have ever had posted on your blog?

    thegirlonfire27 at gmail dot com

  35. When writing is there certain music you listen to.


  36. Question:

    Was there a book that made you cry (not just teary-eyed)? Or made you so high of happiness that you started doing crazy things?

    Thanks for participating in ArmchairBEA Giveaways!


  37. My question is... who are your top five characters from any book that you would like to date/ marry? Any mates in their respective stories may be disregarded :)

    Thanks fro the giveaway!!


  38. I like random questions on occasion, something that breaks up the norm.

    Here are a couple!

    What is your favorite smell?
    What is on your mousepad?
    Do you collect anything other than books?


  39. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Also, what would be your superhero name?
    jeff and sarah 9 @ yahoo dot com

  40. What factors do you enjoy about blog design? Minimalistic?

    withinpages @ hotmail dot com

    ★ Leila

  41. What would their dream career be, other than writed?

    meredithfl at gmail dot com


Thank you so much for commenting! I read each and every one.

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