
I have a question for y'all. And I'm REALLY interested in your answers. Want to know if I'm weird.

Do you read MORE or LESS during summer/holiday break?

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. Way more! I don't have holidays now that I've graduated but I used to read a lot in the summer holidays and a lot less in term time... sometimes didn't read at all.

  2. More, more more!! Work gets in the way of my reading time.

  3. Y'know, I think I actually read less over breaks. During breaks there's more time to do activities that take up the whole day (and therefore when I get home I'm too tired to read).
    It really depends, though. If I don't make any plans, then I'll read more.

  4. Definitely more. During school, I barely have time to do all my school reading that I'd be lucky to read 2-3 books a month. :)

  5. More - way more!

  6. MOOOOOORE! Much more. Way more.
    Because I don't have work and school. So there's time to read!

  7. Much much more! That's when I have more time.

  8. In terms of reading what I WANT to read, infinitely more (infinitely because atm I am not reading for pleasure, so any increase is huge).

  9. I agree with Lauren M!
    I think I read less. Breaks are the only time I have a life. I think during spring break I probably read about 2 pages because of how busy I was. If I chose to have a boring life, then I would read a lot more, but I like having friends so I sometimes choose them over books.

  10. It depends what kind of holiday/break it is and if there are any plans. I guess it'd be kind of the same or maybe more books read.

  11. I definitely read WAY more books when I was on holiday! At school, I rarely picked up a book to read for my own enjoyment. Reading was the last thing I wanted to do after reading textbooks for hours. But, when I'm on break, I try to read as many books as I can! I even read when I'm not supposed to-- like when I was working at a summer job!

    Since I've graduated, summer vacation on holidays are rare. I get most of my reading done on my days off which are really sporadic since I work at a retail store (not a typical 9-5 work day).

  12. Totally valid question.

    I WISH I could say I read more during the summer and every single time I keep telling myself "okay you'll have less classes in the summer and you know you are not spending the moolah traveling like you'd like so read read read." Sadly, I have no idea how the time passes and there I am, not having read more than 2-3 books. So terrible. I will try super hard to read at least one a week, but we shall see...

  13. More! Jeez, I'd blow through a book a day!

  14. I tend to read waaaaay more, unless I'm bombarded with assignments.

  15. More-when school is in I hardly have time to read!

  16. I read more because I have more time on my hands.

  17. Definitely more. I just sit around and read all day during the summer! Haha. Literally several summers ago (when the last Lemony Snicket book came out) I read a Series of Unfortunate Events book a day. Sometimes two a day! I would only leave my room for meals and potty breaks. It was intense. XD

  18. Since I don't get long vacations anymore (ie summers off) I read less. Usually my vacations are that I go somewhere exciting or visit my family. Either way, I'm pretty much too busy to read a lot. I definitely read more during my normal life, because it's what I do for fun.

  19. I read sooooo much more during holidays. I think it's going to be even more now that I've graduated! Yay!


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