Muahahahahaha! Ultimate Follower!

I now follow 310(318 now!) blogs! Put that on your bread and toast it! ;)

If for some insane reason, I missed your blog please let me know!


  1. *laughs*
    Wow, I know I follow a ton, but I'm not sure how many...
    Hey, follow me and I'll have 150 followers! WOOOT!

  2. Good lord, how do you do it? I thought I was crazy at 140!

  3. I think I'm somewhere between four and five hundred. I try not to look, because it's overhwhelming sometimes!

  4. Thanks for following me! Love your blog. I am a follower of you too!
    Elie (Ellz Readz)

  5. Oh, I WILL be toasting that bread! (Something about that saying just totally cracked me up!)

    And I'm following you right back!

  6. Earwen: Done and done!

    ABM: Well... it is crazy. I have about 150 updates every day on my reader feed. Oi.

    MeganRebekah: Impressive! I keep adding more as I find them.

    Elie: I know this is random, but how do you pronounce your name?

    Storyqueen: I have a problem with saying "Put that in your pipe and smoke it" since I don't condone smoking ;). But I love toast!

  7. Hey, follow my blog. I think I lost a few readers due to a lack of updates... but spread the word that i'm back!

  8. Wow pretty awesome. I don't know if you follow but if you don't I would another reader! : D

  9. wow you must be swamped in updates!!!
    how do you keep track of them all?

  10. 310??? I would ask you to follow me, but you already have a ton of other blogs on your plate :)

  11. Wowzee. I don't even want to know what your Blogger Dashboard looks like!

  12. It's actually pretty manageable. I just have to keep on top of it.

    And Priya, I'm already following you. :)

  13. Enna Isilee- really? Are you under a different name or something? I don't see you in my followers list...


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