Week One Winners, and Week Two Instructions

Oi! I’m never going to do that again. I cut up 323 little pieces of paper and put them into a box! But I do have this week’s winners. But first:

The answers to Saturday’s questions:

1. My favorite color is: GREEN
2. My favorite animal (anything not human) is: BUTTERFLIES (duh!)
3. My favorite author: SHANNON HALE (I’m really glad no one missed this)

Alright, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way I’ll announce the winners of the drawing.

Oh, but before I do that I just wanted to say that Q had the most amount of entries, 17. Anyway…

In first place (she gets the first pick of all the books I’m giving away) HEATHER Z
In second place (getting the second pick of books) BUNNY B
And in third place (I think you get the drill) ~FIREFLY~

There you have it. You can tell Heather Z really wanted to win, because her piece of paper literally jumped out of the box. It was quite miraculous.

Shoot me an e-mail and I’ll let you know how to collect your prizes. If I don’t get an e-mail by Wednesday your prize will be forfeit and I’ll pick another winner.

E-mail to: Books@Squeakybooks.com

ALL THE WEEK 1 POSTS ARE CLOSED. Feel free to answer the questions, but you won't get any entries. Now it's all up to Week 2:

This week requires a little more work on your part. You have to e-mail me your answers, but there are more opportunities to get more entries than last week.

Every day, on someone’s blog, will be posted the first line of a novel. You have to identify the book the line comes from. E-mail me your answers to Books@Squeakybooks.com . You’ll get points even if you get it wrong. However, I would ask that you would also comment on each respective blog when you e-mail me, just so I can tell if any e-mails have been lost.

The prizes this week are(You may notice that the prizes get a little better every week):

1st place: Your choice of one of the books I’m giving away and any pair of Nerd Godesses’ punctuation jewelry (earrings, necklaces, charms, and more!)
2nd place: Your choice of one of the books I’m giving away
3rd place: Your choice of one of the books I’m giving away

Today the contest is hosted by Cuileann: http://www.thehollyandtheivy.blogspot.com/

I’ll update the list on my sidebar soon.

Chao! And happy guessing!

~Enna Isilee


  1. Yay for the winners!

    And I'm super excited for next week. ;)

    Thanks Ennalee! (especially for more promo towards my shop ^^)

  2. I think I should get a prize for having the most entries. ;)

  3. Oh wow, mine literally popped out O_0 That's kinda cool. Well you know I really am a very enthusiastic person ;)

    I will send my e-mail as soon as I get off work. I'm so excited. Thank you Enna! Good luck to everyone else, I really hope you win.


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