Good Question: Win Twice?

Yesterday, ~Firefly~ had a good question. Should you be allowed to win the weekly prize multiple weeks? Of course anyone who wins the weekly prize will still be eligible for the grand prize, but should they be eligible for more weekly prizes?

Please vote in the poll. Here are you options:

a) If you win a weekly prize, that's it, you can't win anymore weekly prizes. All of your entries will be counted towards the grand prize, so you should still do the daily entries, but you can only win the weekly prize once.

b) You can win a weekly prize every week. So perhaps someone would win the weekly prize all three weeks, and you are eligible for the grand prize. So basically, one person could sweep the whole contest. Chances of this happening are very slim though.

Thoughts? I'll close the poll by Sunday.

Oh, and the contest is here today.

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