Uh-oh. The first glitch.

Charbydis never posted the contest post for today. Whether it's because they hate me, or just didn't get my e-mail, I don't know(Don't worry about it Charbydis, no big deal). Either way, I'll post it here so that people who want today's entries can have them.

List your three favorite authors

That’s all you have to do! Just leave a comment that lists your three favorite authors and you’ll automatically receive 3 entries towards this week’s prizes and the grand prize. This week’s prize winners will be announced on Monday, and the grand prize winner will be announced on Enna Isilee’s birthday, September 22nd.

Have fun!


  1. Ever? Oh gosh. I'm gonna have to go with JK Rowling, Shakespeare, and Jane Austen.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have a feeling this is going to get a bit redundant: Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and........Azar Nafisi.

  4. Shannon Hale, Gabrielle Zevin, Suzanne Collins

  5. This is hard, because I hardly have favorite authors, only favorite books. But according to my favorite books, they'll probably be Shannon Hale, Jane Austen, and... Robin McKinley.

  6. Shannon Hale...


    Shannon Hale?

    Seriously, beyond Shannon Hale I have no clue.


    It's easier for me to name favorite books...

    I guess I'd have to say Tamora Pierce is up there. No, I don't think her books are all that remarkably well-written or anything, but I love them anyway and it was Trickster's Choice that made me realize that fantasy was like the coolest genre ever.

    And maybe like Maureen Johnson because she's so very funny? I mean, I've only read 13 Little Blue Envelopes and part of Suite Scarlett, but I read her blog a lot and she truly has one of the best third-person voices I've ever read. And her blog is just as funny.

    But there are so many more authors whose books I love...I guess I just think that there's more to picking a favorite author than just loving a book. There has to be something more, and that makes it really hard to pick favorite authors.


  7. Shannon Hale, JK Rowling, Brandon Sanderson.

  8. *blindly picking three from Favorite Authors Ever*

    Naomi Shihab Nye
    Shannon Hale
    J.R.R. Tolkien

  9. You are cruel! Choosing favorite books and favorite authors is basically impossible. Ok....

    Shannon Hale

    C.S. Lewis

    Melody Carlson

    + Jane Austen :)

  10. Yeah, I was wondering about that... I kept refreshing over at Charybdis. Anyway, I'm going to keep myself to living authors only, so have to go with Shannon Hale, Stephenie Meyer, and Orson Scott Card.

  11. Orson Scott Card, Sarah Dessen, Shannon Hale

  12. Shannon Hale, JRR Tolkien, Cornelia Funke.

    I guess. So as not to make myself feel guilty I will also add Ralph Moody, Jessica Day George, Austen, and Madeline L'Engle.

  13. I hate you. I can't do this. Um. . .

    -Nancy Farmer (Not kidding on this one, read everything she has written. She is such an amazing, unique writer).
    -Shannon Hale
    -Harper Lee

    Honorable Mentions:
    C.S Lewis (he was so so close)
    Madeline Le'Engle
    Disana Wynne Jones (she is so amazing)
    Joan Bauer
    Sherwood Smith
    Jay Asher (even though he's only written one book so far. Very powerful).
    Others I can't think of because I'm so tired.

  14. oh gosh...i can't do this. i love the HP books, so J.K. Rowling.

    Um....i loveee the perks of being a wallflower. i mean, that's pretty much all he's written but he did the screenplay for the movie of rent so that's awesome. LOL
    stephen chbosky. had to say it.

    and a new author i love is stephanie kuehnert.


  15. Shannon Hale

    Diana Wynne Jones

    And... a tie between Robin McKinley and Gail Carson Levine

  16. Shannon Hale
    Agatha Christie

  17. Lol, another tough one! =D Hmmm... I have a ton so I'm just going to pick three at random(ish):

    Gabrielle Zevin
    Robin McKinley
    Maureen Johnson

    I want to write all of them but I have to restrain myself, lol!

    ~Lucy D =)

  18. Currently:

    Shannon Hale, Meghan Whalen Turner, Diana Wynne Jones.

  19. Cornelia Funke
    Shannon Hale
    Laurie R King

    I hope you don't mind that I posted. I'm usually more of a lurker myself, but this question was too fun not to answer. PS. I think it's funny how often Ms. Hale has been mentioned.

  20. Cause most of us are weird, random, crazy LRRHers!

  21. Markus Zusak
    Megan Whalen Turner
    JK Rowling

  22. We are so so so so so so incredibly sorry. Please do not punish us. Or hate us. Which would be punishment enough :(

    What happened was that we scheduled the post, but shortly afterwards, our wordpress account was inexplicably frozen. Nothing posted that had been scheduled, even though we were able to put up new things (you'll see that with the Stephenie Meyer post). I didn't even notice the scheduled post error until today. And at that point it was too late.

    Once again. Many apologies and we hope that we haven't ruined everything.

    -Aella and Medeia

  23. Not at all, I completely understand.

  24. Shannon Hale, Tamora Pierce, Jane Austen.

    Then I'm not so sure. LOL.
    Linda Gerber and JK Rowling.

    bunnybx at gmail . com

  26. My 3 favorite authors are...

    Meg Cabot
    Stephenie Meyer
    Cheryl Kaye Tardiff

    Yay for authors!


  27. My three favourite authors: Jodi Picoult, Sarah Dessen, and Jane Austen.

  28. That would be -

    Gail Carson Levine
    Libba Bray
    Stephenie Meyer


    Scott Westefeld
    Sara Shepard
    Shannon Hale

    Just couldn't do it I don't have just 3.. These 6 are my altime faves.


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