1,000th Post

This is my 1,000th post. I wanted it to be awesome. I wanted it to be memorable, but not corny; give all my readers a million dollars, but not go into debt; funny, but not insincere, etc. etc.

I don't know how to do any of that.

So for my 1,000th post, I'm just going to say: thank you. Thank you to everyone who has been with Squeaky Books for the last five years. Thank you to those of you who only recently discovered it. Thank you to those of you who only came by once and never came back again. Thank you to my friends that I have made on the internet, and thank you to those friends who turned into friends in the "real" world.

Thank you to the publishers. Where would the authors be without you? Thank you to the authors. Where would the readers be without you? I know where I would be, and it isn't good.

Thank you to Twitter. You always are sure that I never have too much spare time. Thank you to audiobooks, without whom I would go insane. No thanks to Facebook, who blocked me as a spammer after just one day of liking my friends' pages.

Thank you to people who read. After going to college I have found that you are in the minority. And thank you to people who read YA with pride. Thank you to people who can disagree respectfully. Thank you to people who can agree enthusiastically. Thank you to people who share their books, I want to be as generous as you someday.

And thank you to dogs. Just 'cause I like them.

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. Congrats, congrats, congrats!!!! That is a huge accomplishment :)

  2. Krista CubicleblindnessJune 27, 2012 at 3:48 PM

    Yay!!!!! Congratulations and all your hard work

  3. Congrats!!!! That's so AMAZING!

  4. You should go out for Ice Cream for this!! You're Welcome, and Thanks for all the blogs

  5. Hi Enna!
    It's been a fabulous few years and I'm so glad to have known you and your fantastic blog for that long :) And wow, a thousand? I'm only at half that number! Congratulations!

    Best of luck!

  6. Enna, I'm a newer reader, but thanks for helping me figure out what books to read! And I love dogs, too :)

  7. Love you Enna! 1,000 posts in a huge accomplishment. I don't even know how long I've been reading your blog, but I've been here for a very long time. You are the reason I started my blog, and the reason I discovered some of my favorite books. So thank you, Enna, for writing these 1,000 posts! You're amazing!

  8. And Detroit. You should always say thank you to Detroit.

    Hah, okay.... enough with that joke. It's getting old. Congrats on the 1000th post! Glad you told me about this in time for me to see it!

    By the way, by posting this, I found my really old writing blog. Who knew that old thing was out there? :P

    -Shanna (just in case you hadn't guessed by now)

  9. yay! congratulations and nice work. I always enjoy reading your blog.

  10. Congrats on the big milestone! Here's to another 1,000 posts. :)

    Love you and your blog!

  11. Aw, congrats on your 1000th post! Wow! :)

  12. Congrats! And thank you - I had sort of given up on reading a few years ago until I found your blog. Turns out I just needed to start reading YA! :)

  13. You made it! *throws confetti* Thank you for posting so many posts and keeping us entertained. (Admittedly I haven't read all 1000 but I have enjoyed several of them.)

  14. Awwww... Thanks to you too! You're so dedicated and passionate about your blog, and you spread book-love to all of us. :)

  15. Congratulations on 1000 posts and making it this far! I'm a relatively new follower, but hopefully I'll be around for the next 5 years ;)


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