Summer Reading!

Alright, I know I've been utterly failing JIAM, but that's because I've been slogging through the last two weeks of spring term. But as of today I am FREE! Free as a bird! And I have BIG summer reading plans. Would you like to know what they are? Okey doke! I'll tell you!

I saw this great way to organize reading goals over at WORD for Teens and knew this was exactly the thing for me. So, without further ado, my monthly summer reading goals:

Read TWO books from a series I have started (but never finished) OR books that I have owned for a while
  • I have so many series that I just never got around to finishing! They're just waiting for me to come and read the last of their stories! I've also got a kaboodle of books that have been sitting on my shelves for ages and I've never gotten to. Gotta get those done!
Read TWO books that are at least 1 year old
  • I usually review really new books, and I'm neglecting the old timers! I'm actually really excited about this category.
  • My review pile is getting out of hand!
Read TWO non-fiction and ONE adult fiction

  • Am I going to review these? Well... I'll announce that soon.
Read ONE book just for giggles
  • It can be in any of these categories.

So that means I need to be reading AT LEAST TEN (10) books per month! I think I can do it. And even though June is almost over, I'm going to start NOW!

Do you have summer reading goals? What do you think of mine?

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2012


  1. Good luck! That is going to take some dedication!

    My summer goal is to just read as much as I can and hopefully win something from the library.

  2. I love it! I want to join the party. I am sure I easily qualify. The TBR pile is teetering. But I think you missed something crucial. DON'T add any books to the pile. Then you will really be making progress. If only I could hold to that resolve. The best I seem to be able to accomplish is limiting what I add. I am trying to add less books to the pile than I read in any given week. Some weeks are good and others *shudders*. We could totally get together and read. lol. I am such a geek. I do really want to know just what books you think will fill in the challenge. Or are you just going to fly by the seat of your pants?

  3. Great goals. I have my kids and I signed up for our local library summer reading program. I also plan on reading some fun books and review books. Thats it for now.

  4. Glad I can help! I'm trying to stick to my plan but the shinies from BEA are distracting me...


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