Audio Review: The Abhorsen Trilogy

Author: Garth Nix
Narrator: Tim Curry
Genre: Supernatural
Producer: Listening Library
Books in Series: Listened to entire trilogy
Story Rating:
Audio Rating:

Story Review: This series is so amazing. I have loved it since I discovered it over ten years ago. It is the epitome of speculative fiction. It has a kick-butt female hero (and more than one!) it has the awesome animal helpers, and the DEAD. Who knew necromancy could be so awesome?! If you haven't read these books, you must. They are so wonderful. They are creepy, but still relatively clean. I will admit that I wish we got to continue on with Sabriel a bit more than we do, but I love Lirael too, so I can't really complain.

So awesome.

Audio Review: TIM CURRY! Yes, the Tim Curry. He has the PERFECT voice for this series. It's gravelly, which makes the dead spirits jump off the page (or iPod in this case), but he also does a pretty good job at voicing the female characters. And his Mogget voice is superb. Seriously, Tim Curry may be my favorite audiobook narrator after Jim Dale. I love him that much.

Here. Don't believe me? Click here to listen to an excerpt. I really think you'll fall in love with his voice. He's easy to understand, but still has plenty of character. And that gravelly voice... *shudders* I just love it.

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. I've never thought to try the audio of this series, even though I LOVE the books. Great recommendation!

  2. I would listen to these just because Tim Curry is the narrator!! They sound like fun books, I'm going to have to check them out!

  3. I just finished the last book of this series a month ago. Sabriel is one of my favorite fantasy books. I haven't listened to the audio, but I can imagine Tim Curry as Mogget!

  4. I just recently got the first book of the series on e-book, but just saw on Audible yesterday that Tim Curry did the audio. I may have to try audio for it too.

  5. No way! It's voiced by Tim Curry? I have to get these from my library NOW.

  6. I'm re-listening to Lirael right now. I love Curry's voice, too! I haven't read or listened to Abhorsen yet but I'm getting there.

  7. I LOVE these audiobooks. The only thing that jarred me was Mr. Curry doesn't pronounce Sabriel how I do in my head. But seriously, that scene with Mogget after the glider crashes? Sublime.


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