And not so awesome covers...

Now, I still haven't finished the book I'm currently reading, so let's talk about MORE covers. This post is a little more somber.

These are the new covers for Andrea Cremer's Nightshade series. The Nightshade cover is for the PB version, and the Wolfsbane cover is for both the hardback and PB. And honestly, I'm fine with the Nightshade PB cover. I've grown used to paperbacks changing their covers (usually not for the better). But honestly I CANNOT STAND that they're changing the Wolfsbane cover. People will never get to own that amazingly beautiful original cover. I love that cover so, so much. It breaks my heart that it won't get to sit next to my sparkly copy of Nightshade.

Yes, I know that it's the writing that counts. And I love Andrea, so if she's okay with this change, I'm gonna do my best to be okay with this change. But I just don't like it. And if you don't like it, there's a twitition to get it changed back. Do those actually work? Who knows? But it can't hurt to try, right? My OCD requires matching covers!! CLICK HERE TO SIGN TWITITION.

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. I agree with you. I LOVED the WOLFSBANE cover and I'm not so happy about the chance!

  2. I admit to not having read the series, but the original covers were so much better. These too generic, and not nearly as gorgeous.

  3. Hey, we got an Allison Jay cover for FB, and this original cover is already made!

  4. For some reason they were saying they were getting such a great response to the new Nightshade paperback cover that they decided to redo the Wolfsbane cover in the new format. I would like to know who the publishing company was polling on this. Seriously everyone loved the old covers because they were amazing. These new covers are just boring.

  5. Urgh, those are horrible! I liked the old covers, the new ones make the books seem of a lower calaber, like some run-of-the-mill romance novel. I don't know much about the story, except that there's an awkward scene that prevents me from even picking this up (random flipping by mom at bookstore, don't ask), but a good cover is very important and I think this might hurt the series with it's mundane-osity.

  6. I have to agree with you. I think the original cover was so nice. This looks...almost cheaper, like homemade. It will, however, not stop me from buying the new book. This is one case I know you can't judge a book by its cover because her writing is top notch.

  7. If I had a Twitter, I'd join the twitition-this cover change is ridiculous! I don't think the publishers realize just how much of an impact Nightshade's cover had on sales-before the book came out, that cover stirred up TONS of hype and got people interested. Walking by in a bookstore, it jumps off the shelf-I was there the other day and Nightshade really stood out. People say not to judge a book by its cover, but unfortunately people do, and switching to something so... generic, and somewhat cheap looking... it doesn't seem wise at all. I agree with this post-I don't like the change either.

  8. I wouldn't mind them if they were just for the paperback versions. But I have the original hardcover of Nightshade and I don't want to replace it so that it matches Wolfsbane. I know it sounds silly but I like my books to match and it sucks that they won't anymore.

  9. I really liked the original covers! Why mess with a good thing?

    Also, I just started a new quote meme over at my blog if you want to check it out:

  10. I would so sign the petition but I don't have a twitter account. :(

  11. well bummer! I do like the new covers, but they look like every other paranormal book out there. The originals really did pop. And just like everyone else, I want my covers to match. lame.


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