Life as we knew it—Susan Beth Pfeffer
I really liked this book. Sometimes it seemed so real I thought it actually was. It had some weird views on religion (but some people ARE weird about religion). And I wish the ending had a little more closure(that's what sequels are for!), but I liked it. It’s very real, not science-fictiony in the least like I originally thought it would be.
The Strand Prophecy—J.B.B. Winner
This book couldn't decide whether it was a comic book or a novel and ended up being a mangled mess of both. The storyline was interesting (albeit drawn out) but the writing was gross! I recognize that it was written by two thirteen-year-old girls and their father, and I commend the girls. I can't even get a first draft out, ladies. Good for you! But as a published work... it was boring and annoying. There were somethings I really wanted to know that they hardly even talked about and things I didn't want to know and they spent FOREVER on them! Plus, the book had a catchphrase "And something more." "You are a monkey, and something more." "You are a man, and something more." "You are a mariner, and something more." Gah! There was one page where it said that three times!
Zombie Meme
You are in a mall when the zombies attack. You have:
1. One weapon.
2. One song blasting on the speakers.
3. One famous person to fight alongside you.
Weapon can be real or fictional; you may assume endless ammo if applicable. Person can be real or fictional.
1. A disintegrater ray (because cleaning up after a zombie battle is just NASTY!)
2. "Girls just wanna have fun" by Cindy Lauper. I mean, imagine the irony!
3. Buffy might be cool, but I'd take volunteers from my author friends first. :) Shannon, Janette, Sarah, Julie, Jessica? You wanna fight some Zombies with me? Those are just authors I know have seen my blog...
The Host—Stephenie Meyer
~Enna Isilee
Feed Troubles. Urgh!
Someone found my feed address but it was really complicated so I've gone and made a feedburner feed. I've tested this on my Google Reader and it works. Here's the URL:
Hopefully that helps, I'm going to put it in my sidebar.
The Humming of Numbers-- Joni Sensel
This book was... boring and confusing. It's about a novice monk and a girl. Their world is torn apart by Vikings and it's up to them to save it. But throughout the book the question isn't "Will they save the day?" but rather "Will they have sex?" It bothered me. It wasn't dirty, it was just petty. And the whole idea of the novice "hearing numbers" was never really flushed out.
Didn't like it so much.
~Enna Isilee
P.S. Don't forget my contest! ...please?
Oh, and by the way, if you aren't on my list and you want to be, let me know. I'd love to stick you on there. Seriously, it makes me happy!
This is so cool-- Picture Meme
a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into flickr search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd’s mosaic maker.
1. What is your first name? (I used Enna)
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What high school did you go to?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush/hero?
6. Favorite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
9. What you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One word to describe you.
12. Your flickr name. (I used Aly Cooper because I've used it on photo-sites before.)
Did I Miss the Apocalypse?
I've been wanting to do a headcount for a while.. If you read my blog could you just post a comment even if it's just "Yo."? Or a random assortment of letters. I want to see who reads my blog and I want to update my Reader feed because It's really cluttered and yet missing some blogs that I want. So I think that if you comment I'll put you on my reader and get rid of all those others. Unless you really are all dead... that would make me very, very sad.
Okay. Now I'm just rambling. I'll stop now.
Oh! But I forgot to remind you about my contest. It's super-cool! *wink* *wink*
Okay. Now I'm done.
Or am I?
Yes. I'm done.
~Enna Isilee
Here's the contest:
Design your own world. Either a description or a map will do.
For example:
My world is called Bookville, and instead of people needing to eat, they need to read. The sky is purple and the grass is bright green all year round (even when it's snowing!).
Then you might go into some more detail about your world.
If you make a map, make sure it is in JPG format and no bigger than 700 x 500 pixels.
Submit all of your entries to
This contest will run for two weeks. The latest you can turn in your entries is June 30th by 11:59pm Mountain Daylight Time. The winner will be announced on July 2nd, and all of my favorite worlds will be posted here.
And here's a plus for those of you who don't feel comfortable giving me your address if you win: You don't have to! All the shipping will be handled by Shadow Mountain Publishing, so you can enter and still stay Internet safe.
Happy creating!
~Enna Isilee
FarWorld: Water Keep-- J. Scott Savage
A crippled boy dreams of a better world. He even has a name for this place: FarWorld. There magic is real. Trees speak. Lizards fly. And currently, chaos abounds.
I joined the Far World blog tour and got an ARC of this book. For one, it was a lot bigger than I expected. For two, I also expected it to be bit cliché and unoriginal (boy with supernatural powers must save the world). But I am happy to announce that it was a good book. I found that the characters were interesting, the plot intriguing, and there were some small aspects of the writing that really made me enjoy this book. I think it's great for younger readers (ages 9-14)-- both boys and girls alike.
~Enna Isilee
P.S. I'm going to host a contest giving away a free ARC of this book. I'll announce the contest this Sunday. Anyone is eligible to participate.
Author Meme
The rules are...
• Link to the person that tagged you, post the rules somewhere in your meme, answer the questions, tag six people in your post, let the tagees know they’ve been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog, let the tagger know your entry is posted.
Who’s you all-time favorite author and why?
Shannon Hale, absolutely no doubt in my mind. I mean, hello have you seen my username? Not only is Shannon an amazing, funny, clever, and brilliant person, she’s also one of the most eloquent and talented writers to grace our century!
Who was your first favorite author and why? Do you still consider him/her among your favorites?
My first favorite author… hm… well, when I was little I grew up on the Animorphs series. I don’t even remember who the author was. Applegate, I think. Something Applegate. The first authors I ever really remember obsessing over are D.J. MacHale and Tamor Peirce. I guess they’re still some of my favorites.
Who’s the most recent addition to your list of favorite authors, and why?
Sarah Beth Durst would probably be my latest addition to my obsession list(that’s what I call it, though most of them aren’t actual obsessions). I have a ton of favorite books that I never even think of the authors, but Sarah was the last one I thought about and I regularly read her blog and whatnot.
If someone asked you who your favorite authors were right now, which authors would first pop out of your mouth? Are there any you’d add on a moment of further reflection?
Shannon Hale.
And on further reflection…
Uh… there are some other good ones, but they pale in comparision. I’m so biased.
Okay. I shall tag...
Miss Erin
~Enna Isilee
Erec Rex: The Dragon’s Eye-- Kaza Kingsley
The Pilgrims of Rayne-- D.J. MacHale
This is the 8th book in the Pendragon series, which I bet most of you haven't read. Bascially it's about a boy who discovers he can travel between worlds (called Territories) and it's up to him to save each of those worlds before Saint Dane (the bad guy, not a dog) turns them towards destruction.
The Pendragon series is an enigma. If I haven't read one for a while I have no desire to pick one up, at all. But once I'm reading one I'm completely hooked. I grew up with this series, literally. I read the first book and have bought each book right as it came out.
Give 'em a try. They're not half bad. Or a fourth bad.
~Enna Isilee
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