2007's Squeakiest Books

These are books that I read in 2007. Not necessarily books that were published this year. And I haven’t reviewed all of them here seeing as my blog is still relatively new.goo

Best Young Adult ~The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Narrated by death this wonderfully written novel by Markus Zusak tells the amazing story of a young German girl during WWII. It’s heart-touching and beautiful.

Best Juvenile ~The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stuart

Want to laugh? TMBS is for you. Written by Trenton Lee Stuart, it’s clever and entertaining. Four young children learning to be spies and overcoming their differences. It’s the perfect rainy-day book.

Best Sci-fi ~Extras by Scott Westerfeld

The thrilling fourth book in the Uglies “trilogy” by Scott Westerfeld. Gripping. See what happens in a world where popularity is everything and conspiracies are everywhere.

Best Non-Fiction ~Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass

This is probably the only non-fiction book I read all year, but it was genuinely good. Written by Frederick Douglass he tells you about his life, his trials, and his escape from slavery. Highly interesting.

Best Adult Fiction ~Austenland by Shannon Hale

Have you seen the 6-hour Pride and Prejudice? Do you find Colin Firth absolutely amazing? Do you know exactly which tape/disc the piano scene is on? Well you’ll find that Jane does too. No, not Jane Austen, Jane Hayes. Shannon Hale’s charming book leaves you thinking that maybe there really is a Darcy out there…

Best Girl-Power ~Terrier by Tamora Peirce

Beka Cooper knows what she wants. She wants to be a Provost Dog. She wants to protect the city and help the innocent. But she’s thrown into something she’s not quite sure she’s ready for. Tamora Peirce gives us another great Girl-Power book in Terrier.

Best Dealing-With-Life book ~All’s Fair in Love, War, and High School by Janette Rallison

High School. Everyone remembers it, or has nightmares about that someday going into it. In AFiLWaHS, we follow Samantha and her panic at her less-than-good SAT scores. Her friends, personality, and relationships are all explored in this fun read by Janette Rallison.

Best Newbery Honor ~Princess Academy by Shannon Hale

I finally bucked up the courage to read this book and was not disappointed (of course I knew I wouldn’t be). It’s no wonder Shannon Hale won an honor with this book. The quarriers of Mt. Eskel are struggling to survive. An announcement is given that all the daughters of Mt. Eskel will be sent to an academy to learn to be a princess, and the prince will choose one of them for his bride. What effect could this have on the small community? And is being a princess all it’s cracked up to be?

Most Awaited ~Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling

The last Harry Potter book by J.K. Rowling. ‘Nuff said.

Number one book of 2007 ~Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale
An indescribable book. Truly amazing and heartwarming. Shannon Hale has outdone herself again. Dashti is assigned to be a Lady’s maid, and to be trapped with her in a tower for seven years. But her goodness and devotion never wavers. A rich story that wraps you up like a warm blanket. And let’s add a cup of cocoa just for fun. With marshmallows.

Phew. A good year. Lots of Shannon Hale.

And I bought more books today! w00t! More reviews coming!


  1. FABULOUS list! Woo-hoo!

    I'm currently reading EXTRAS. :)

  2. That was fun. I still can't believe we had to practically hog tie you so you'd read Princess Academy.

  3. Well, I didn't end up doing it for you guys. I wanted to see the look on Shannon's face.


  4. Hehehe. Enna Isilee, you make me laugh. :)

    By the way, good job on your reviews. I especially liked your review for Book of A Thousand Days. Great job!

  5. I can't believe they practically had to hog tie you to get you to read PA either! I was DYING to read it after GG.

  6. Heh. You were there when I told Shannon.

  7. Actually, I had to leave before that.

  8. Awesome list! I think I need to read a few of those.

  9. Excellent list, Enna! I love all of your reviews and look forward to reading more of them!


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