People. People who, kill people…

…are the craziest people, in the world.


I was recently bemoaning the fact that I couldn’t read what I wanted because I had to read In Cold Blood for my Language class. And after I had bemoaned I decided that I was going to finish it so I would have no more need for bemoaning.

Well. I did. I finished it about two minutes ago. And I’m not going to say much about it except that you shouldn’t read it unless you have to.

And since this is not a normal blog post I’m going to do more non-normal things:

1. I’m going to start doing something called “Mondays with Jane” where I will post a Jane Austen quote every Monday. I figured y’all would/are get/ting bored with my blog. So I wanted to spice it up.

2. I’m going to make a list of all the books I want to buy because I have a horrible memory, so I’m hoping that if I write them all here I will not forget them. Of course, I am currently in the hole $200 with my mother because she paid for me to go to a summer-campy-thing this summer.

Books to buy (In no particular order)
Physik ~Angie Sage
Terrier- Beka Cooper ~Tamora Peirce
Specials ~ Scott Westerfeld
Enna Burning Audio Book ~Shannon Hale
The Queen of Attolia ~Megan Whalen Turner
Rangers Apprentice (Series) ~John Flanagan
Chronicles of Prydain ~Lloyd Alexander
The Mysterious Benedict Society ~Trenton Lee Stewart
A Great and Terrible Beauty (Series) ~Libba Bray
Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy ~ Gary Schmidt
Dragon Slippers ~Jessica Day George
Nobody’s Princess ~Esther Friesner
Nobody’s Prize ~Esther Friesner (not released)
How to take the “Ex” out of Ex-boyfriend ~Janette Rallison
Out of the Wild ~Sarah Beth Durst (not released)
Breaking Dawn ~Stephenie Meyer (not released)
Brisingr ~ Christopher Paolini (not released)
Rapunzel’s Revenge ~Shannon & Dean Hale (not released)
The Books of Mordred ~Vivian Van Velde
Ender’s Game ~Orson Scott Card
Kiki Strike ~Kirsten Miller
Percy Jackson #4 (something about a labyrinth…) ~Rick Riordan (not released)

~Enna Isilee


  1. That's one long list of books. ;)

  2. Indeed. And I am one very poor girl with no birthday in sight.

  3. Poor Enna Isilee. Have you considered getting a job? Like, at a bookstore? I would love to work at a bookstore. Unless you already have a job. Which you probably do.

  4. I don't have a job. The only real openings here are fast food and that ilk. But I really will only work at a bookstore or library and those are harder to get. Plus I'm a really busy person and don't really have time for a job. But intend to get one...

  5. "I figured y’all would/are get/ting bored with my blog." do realize that your blog ranks somewhere in my top ten list of favorite blogs?

  6. Really? Oh. Well... thanks! Good to know. Maybe I'm not quite so hopeless after all...

  7. I just ran across your blog, have been enjoying browsing through your book reviews. I'm so bummed to hear that the new Gail Carson Levine book doesn't live up to Ella Enchanted. Why is it that these authors start out with a fabulous first book then follow it up with crud afterwards? Sigh.

    Good luck with your reading list!

  8. An idea for Jane Austen quotes thingy: "I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of anything than of a book! When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library."
    Teehee. I know, I know. I already have it on my blog, but I love that quote...

    And your blog rocks, Enna Isilee. No doubts there ;D

    ~Jess (Bohae)

  9. Oh, and I love your blog. I check it frequently. And am disappointed when there's nothing new. *hint hint*

  10. Yeah... I meant to write one today but I had chores, play practice, work, a basketball game, and a history test to study for. Tomorrow is looking like a good posting day though.


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