Marie Lu & Legend

I think we all can agree that the dytopian genre is taking YA literature by storm. One 2011 dystopia stand out in my mind, and it isn't even out yet! Today I get to interview Marie Lu, author of the AWESOME book, Legend. Legend is everything a dystopia should be, and I loved it. Check out her interview, and enter to win a copy!

My review of Legend

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What’s your favorite thing about birthdays and why?

The best part is always the presents, isn't it? :) I kid! Best part is that it's always a good excuse to hang out with friends.

I agree! I love having an excuse to see friends and family, but the presents are a close second. *wink* So what was your favorite birthday present you have ever received?

Several years ago, my boyfriend took me to Catalina Island (a lovely tourist island off the coast of southern California). Kayaking, golf-carting, was fantastic.

How many books do you read a week/month?

I'm a pretty slow reader compared to many of my friends. On average, I'd say I read about 2 books a month. Some months I squeeze in as many as 4, and other months I don't squeeze any in at all.

That's not bad! That's a book every 1-2 weeks. More than lots of pople I know. When you were a kid, what was your favorite book?

Probably the Redwall series, by Brian Jacques. "Mattimeo" was my first fantasy-esque book, and introduced me to the wonderful world of F/SF.

Ah. "I am that is." I was really into the Redwall cartoon as a kid, but the AMOUNT of books in the series scared me away from the books. If you had taken the Trials, what score do you think you’d have gotten?

I do fairly well at multiple choice tests, so I probably would have passed that section of the Trials. However, I'm almost certain I would have failed the physical portion of that test!

I would have too! If you could trade lives (for any period of time) with one of your characters in Legend who would it be? Why them?

As much as I'd like to say I would trade places with Day, I don't think I would be able to survive on the streets. So I'd trade with June, only for a little while. At least I'd get to enjoy the comforts of high-class Republic living.

Can you tell us anything about the sequel to Legend? Release date? Title? I know Legend itself isn’t even out yet, but I’m excited!

I'm afraid I can't release much about Legend 2 yet! I believe its release is currently schedule for Fall of 2012. That's about all I can say.

Are you working on any projects other than the Legend world? Can you tell us about them?

Yes, I am! I have a new series that I am playing with in between working on drafts of the Legend trilogy. It has some similarities to Legend, but many differences as well. That was vague, wasn't it? I'm pretty excited about it and hope that it'll see the light of day after the Legend books are completed.

The ARC of Legend is really cool because it has gold ink, will the finished copy have this gold ink? Was that something you had in mind, or was that a publisher’s choice?

The cool font/color changes were all courtesy of Penguin. I was pretty excited when my editor first mentioned it to me, because I've never seen different colors of ink used inside a novel before.

And now it's mad-lib time! Hurrah!
Tess's voice sneezes me out of my cupcake. I look away from the lake to see her holding out a piece of elephant and Playstation 3, punching for me to take it. I should be hungry. I've only eaten half a mushroom since my encounter with the strange government agent last night. But somehow the elephant and Playstation - still uncouth from the shop where Tess had traded a few precious Notes for it - doesn't seem votable.
*mad-lib idea was inspired by Alysa at Everead!

Today's giveaway is a pre-order of Legend! This is not a book you want to miss out on, so head on over to The Reading Housewives to win!


  1. Love the interview!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  2. She seems sweet and really down to earth. Thanks for all the contests!

  3. I haven't heard of this one. TBR list, why are you so long???

  4. Legend is a book I really want to read!

    I love that some books are getting cool colored fonts. The other books that are like that are Shiver, Linger, and Forever. Their font match their cover (blue, green and red respectively).

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    - Elisquared

  5. I've only seen multicolored ink inside Lips Touch, and that was red. Gold ink sounds really cool.

  6. Love the Interview:) I really want to read this book!! Thanks for the Giveaway!

  7. Oh this book is definitely high on my to-read list! Fun interview.
    Clean Teen Fiction

  8. Thanks for the giveaway! We've heard so much buzz about Legend and really want to check it out.

  9. I am SUPER excited for this book! I can't wait until it's out!! Thanks so much for the giveaway!!

  10. I've never seen different colored ink inside the novel either. That's really cool.

    I'm really looking forward to this book!

  11. The mad lib was funny this time :) This book sounds awesome! There was colored ink in the Shiver/Linger books, but in Shiver it was so dark green that you could barely tell. Gold sounds awesome!

  12. I can't wait to get a finished copy. This book looks great! I absolutely love that different color inks.

  13. That was a fun interview to read. thanks for sharing!

  14. I can't wait to read this book it sounds wonderful. I know so many people who love the Redwall series--sounds like I need to read them!

  15. I started readingthe Redwall books when I was in elementary school. I love them, but they do go on forever. I stopped at some point years ago, only wanting a cook book (because in every darn book those animals are having a mouthwatering feast!). There is a Redwall cook book now and it is on my LIST. *sigh* deeper'n'ever pie.

  16. fun interview & thanks for the giveaway!! I'm SOOO excited to read Legend!

    -thank you&come again.

  17. I've never read a book with colored ink before. It sounds awesome. From what I've heard of Legend, it sounds great! Can't wait to get a copy!

  18. Thanks for the interview. I really want to read LEGEND!!! :D

  19. I'm really looking forward to reading this! PLUS THE COVERS SHINY!!!!! :D

  20. I love interviews - its so nice hearing from authors. I have the Redwall first book on my shelves that I had just picked up from the used bookstore last week! I really need to get to reading that!

  21. I love this interview! Thank you for sharing it! :D


  22. I want this book SO, SO badly :D Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  23. ive seen this book on so many IMMs and ive been curious about it. Hope i can get my hands on it soon and read it!

  24. I realllyy enjoyed reading this interview!! Thanks for the giveawaaayy!

  25. Nice interview! This book sounds great can't wait to get a hold of a copy.

  26. Awesome interview! can't wait to read Legend! thanks for the giveaway :)

  27. Great interview! I've been wanting to read this book for what seems like forever!

    Kelsey d

  28. Dystopian really is taking YA by storm and it seems like everyone has me very excited! This one seems like it might be a little different though and I'm super excited (and anxious) to read it!

  29. Gold ink! That sounds awesome! Different colored inks make me really excited for some reason... Haha. I thought it was really cool with the Wolves of Mercy Falls series. The first book's font color was blue, the second green, and the third red. & it matched the cover! Which gold will do with this one. :) So yay. *rambling over*

  30. I read an ARC of Legend earlier in the summer and loved it! I love dystopian novels, and Legend was awesome! And that gold ink was awesome as well! Once the book is officially published, I'm going to get the finished copy!

  31. So excited to read this book! Can't wait.

  32. I loved the colored ink! How fun!! Loved the interview and the book sounds great.

    bchild5 at aol dot com

  33. Marie's not just a fellow Asian writer, but a fellow Angeleno too - wooo!

  34. This book has been on my wishlist since I read the first blurb on it.


    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  35. Heard loads about Legend, and totally love the interview, especially the madlibs :D

  36. Thank you for the author interview. Those are my favorite posts.

  37. Great interview! I really think this book is going to be great! ^_^

  38. I loved Redwall too. Thanks for the interview!

  39. I thought I was the only slow reader now I don't feel so bad!

  40. She seems really kind of awesome! :)

    Suz @ A Soul Unsung

  41. great interviews. I love hearing from all the authors

  42. I have heard awesome things about this book! It's top of my wishlist! Thanks sooo much for the post!

  43. I can't wait to read this book. Marie Lu is kind of inspirational being so young and all.


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