Caragh O'Brien & Prized

Last year I read one of the most AMAZING dystopias EVER. It's called Birthmarked by Caragh O'Brien, and it's WONDERFUL. I featured Caragh at the birthday bash last year, but wanted to feature her again this year to celebrate the upcoming release of the sequel to Birthmarked called Prized. Check out her interview, then enter to win an ARC of Prized!

My review of Birthmarked
Connect with Caragh: Website | Twitter

If you could invite any person (living or dead) to your birthday, who would it be?

I’d invite my family. They’re the people I like to celebrate with. Inviting someone like President Obama or Drew Barrymore would make me feel like I had to stop writing for a while to prepare. I'd probably have to scrounge up a new outfit, too, come to think of it, and I'd feel bad about keeping my guests from more important duties. So, just my family.

I've never thought about that! It would be super-stressful. Perhaps family is the way to go. What’s your favorite thing about birthdays and why?

My favorite thing about birthdays is blowing out the candles. I don’t know why that still delights me so much. It’s like a moment of having a secret power, and this crazy suspense, like it really matters to blow them all out.

Candles stress me out, because I always try to get them out in one blow, but I don't want to spit all over the cake. How many books do you read a week/month?

I go on binges, when I read books back-to-back for days, and then read none for weeks. In the last month, I’ve read two.

What kind of music do you like to listen to? Favorite band/artist?

I listen to Grooveshark while I’m writing, and I have playlists of showtunes, Bach, choral favorites, and James Taylor. I like Lady Antebellum, Taylor Swift, and Carrie Underwood right now, too. They make me sing along.

If you could change nature's color palette, would you? What would you change? (ie. blue trees, purple grass?)

No, no, no. I’d never mess with what’s perfect. We could just plant more yellow flowers and that would do the trick.

How many Birthmarked books will there be?

There’ll be three books.

Which was easier to write, Birthmarked or Prized?

Birthmarked was easier. I was in a sort of care free glow of creativity, having fun all through the first draft. The difficulty came later, with the revisions. Every part of the process with Prized was pretty much maddening, but I love how it turned out.

Caragh was really nervous about her mad-lib, which made the results pretty funny.
The sky was becoming gradually No. I can’t. I already feel like I’m doing it wrong., with a tinge of How about if we play Pounce instead?, and more people were coming out into the You know that card game?. She kept We play it on the floor and we each have our own deck., afraid to It goes so fast, afraid to go far downhill again in case she got lost. Above, people hung out lines of and we play so long between the buildings, and as she looked down, she marveled to see that everyone wore we don’t even notice until, even the we try to get up that. Old or young, everyone looked our legs and backs are aching and well fed.
*mad-lib idea was inspired by Alysa at Everead!

Tee hee. Thanks, Caragh!


Today's giveaway is hosted by Kaylee Baldwin! You could win an ARC of Prized! This book is AMAZING. You totally want it. And the cover is SO COOL! Head on over to her blog to win!

All review content © Enna Isilee, Squeaky Books 2007-2011


  1. Based on your glowing reviews, I can't wait to read these.

  2. I had never heard of these before. Rushing off to check the library.

  3. These are both at the top of my TBR. Love the interview, and I agree, the mad lib was the best so far.

  4. I really want to read this books!! Love the interview and the Mad-lib:)
    Lady Antebellum <3

  5. I would never change nature's colors either! It's perfect the way it is :) Funny mad-lib too!

  6. Hooray! I LOVED birthmarked, can't wait for the sequel!!

  7. I really liked how secrets were put in Birthmarked. It was cleverly done.

  8. Great interview! I think birthdays would be interesting if Obama attended. And awww, she's so adorable with that mad lib. I probably would have been nervous too. Definitely checking out Birthmarked!

  9. I absolutely loved Birthright! Great post :)

  10. Yeah, having the president attend your birthday party would definitely be a buzz-kill. Think of all the cake you'd have to provide just for all the secret service people! And you'd have to have it someplace with loads of parking for all those cars they drive. And I hate to think what would happen if a balloon were to accidentally pop! ;)

  11. I can't wait to read this book!!

  12. I totally understand what she says about going on binges then on dry spells. I'm like that with just about all of my hobbies!

  13. So glad to hear there will be a third book! What a great series!

    bchild5 at aol dot com

  14. A new author to me but her books sound like good reads.

    Must say the things I like about birthdays is both giving and receiving presents. It makes me happy and it makes the receiver happy as well !

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  15. Can't wait to read these books! I really need to buy the first one...

    Grace Radford on the google spread sheet.

  16. Haha! That madlib is pretty funny. And I agree with the birthday-candle-blowing-out experience. There is a moment of suspense and magic to it.

  17. We have the same reading habit! I'm like that too; sometimes I'm almost manic with my reading, and other time I'm so slow.

    The madlib was the funniest so far!

  18. This looks a little like a book I read called "Incarceron" - at least the cover does! :)

  19. I loved Birthmarked! Glad to know that there will be two more books! :D

  20. Enjoyed the interview. I really think I would like this series. Thanks for the post.

    Kelsey d

  21. I love this series! I can't believe I have to wait another year for the third book. Great interview!

  22. Both of these books look amazing. I really want to read them both.
    amazing interview!

  23. im just like Caragh! sometimes i cant get enough of reading books and other times i cant seem to read anything! i really liked the interview. Plus im starting to like trilogys so this book being the first is good. I just hate the waiting

  24. Wow that was a very interesting review! lol! and i really liked how the secrets were in the birthmarks!

  25. What a wonderful interview. I don't know how I missed this dystopian last year but I am SO anxious to begin this series. Thanks for the chance to win! Oh, and that was the strangest mad-lib I've ever read lol

    Donna @ The Happy Booker
    ahappybooker at gmail dot com

  26. Great interview & the mad-lib was pretty funny! I can't wait for Prized to come out. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of it!

  27. I agree candles can be stressful who wants to eat spit cake, not me. I really likes the mad-lib.

  28. I loved Birthmarked and looking forward to read her other works.

  29. I've had these on my wishlist for awhile now.

    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  30. Heard loads about this series, can't wait to get my hands on it! Great Interview :D

  31. I had the pleasure of meeting Caragh at a conference this summer, and she is a lovely person, as evidenced by this interview. :)

  32. I loved the first book in this series, I have no doubt I'll love the second. :)

    Great interview!

    Suz @ A Soul Unsung

  33. really interesting books and a great interview

  34. Prized has been on my list to read since I heard about it! Looking forward to it even more after reading your interview!

  35. Great interview! Your interviwes are always fun to read ;)
    Thanks for the giveaway!


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