More winnings, and a TBR pile!

All right, first off, the winner of my followers recommendation contest is KIRTHI! Yay Kirthi! She recommended GABY. Hi, Gaby! Glad to have you as a follower! Kirthi, I need you to e-mail me so I can put in your order for Forest Born UK edition.

Okay. Now. I haven't had much time to read (Guys, college is hard.) So my TBR pile just keeps building, and building, and building. My grandma recently commented on the largeness of her TBR pile, so I decided to show you guys mine. I couldn't do it in a picture though, this required a video:

INSANE! The books include:

Girls acting Catty, Leslie Margolis
Split, Stefan Petrucha
Wereling, Steve Feasey
The Midnight Charter, David Whitley
She Thief, Daniel Finn
Copper Sun, Sharon Draper (Readergirlz)
The Secret Life of Prince Charming,  (Readergirlz)
The Karma Club, Jessica Brody
Living Dead Girl, Elizabeth Scott (Readergirlz)
Underkingdom, Jonathan Culverhouse
Inside Out, Maria V. Snyder (read 6/10/10)
Heroes of the Valley, Jonathan Stroud
ZAN-GAH: A prehistoric adventure, Allan Richard Shickman
ZAN-GAH: And the beautiful Country, Allan Richard Shickman
Perchance to Dream, Lisa Mantchev

Coriolanus, William Shakespeare
The Iron King, July Kagawa (Read 6/12/10)
Sea Glass, Maria V. Snyder
Sweethearts, Sara Zarr
Ballad, Maggie Stiefvater
Lament, Maggie Stiefvater
Princess of the Midnight Ball, Jessica Day George
Inkdeath, Cornelia Funke
School's out Forever, James Patterson
Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports, James Patterson
The Swan Kingdom, Zoe Marriott
Rampant, Diana Peterfreund (Read 6/13/10)
Fire, Kristin Cashore
A Conspiracy of Kings, Megan Whalen Turner
The Devouring, Simon Holt (Read 6/14/10)
Lies, Michael Grant (Read 5/19/10)
Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales, Brothers Grimm

The Historian, Elizabeth Kostova
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows,
Something Borrowed, Emily Giffin
The Inferior, Peadar O Guilin
The Demon King, Cinda Williams Chima
Calamity Jack, Shannon Hale

Beatrice and Virgil, Yann Martel

If I'm counting correctly that's THIRTY-NINE (39) BOOKS!!! And the crazy thing is, I really do want to read them all.

As soon as the term is over, I'm going to have a read-a-thon. ...while working two jobs.


But I will admit looking at the pile makes me very happy, and excited. Yay for reading!


  1. Thanks so much!
    Holy crack-a-mole, that's a BIG TBR pile! I see a few great books in there!

  2. The half bitten cookie on the cover of 'Sweethearts' looks insanely delicious:D

  3. Your TBR pile is not that bad. Mine is at 66 at the moment and seems to only go up.

    You have an award on my blog here.

  4. You have Perchance to Dream! Gahhh, I'm so jealous.

  5. That pile is huge! You have so many good books in there too. The Historian can be a hard book to get into, but it gets so good! You'll love it.

  6. So many good books in your TBR pile! :) I just discovered your blog and I think it's really nice. And because I'm a fellow Shannon Hale fan, I'm adding your blog in my blogroll and Google Reader.

  7. Wow that's a lot of books! I really want to read Living Dead Girl.

    Visit this awesomesauce blog at

  8. I envy you your pile. I wouldn't get anything done. ;)

    Calamity Jack is far too buried though.

  9. The only reason CJ is so far down is because it was the widest. I needed some stability. There is no love lost.


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